Saturday, August 8, 2020

Exclusive: Joe Biden and Democrats unveil details of DNC convention including nightly themes, ways to watch

Joey Garrison

WASHINGTON – With guests and segments streamed in from across the country, Democrats and their presumptive nominee Joe Biden plan to use four nights of videos and speakers at the party's convention to highlight stories of everyday Americans struggling during a global pandemic and economic upheaval. 
In doing so, they will cast blame on President Donald Trump for simultaneous crises and argue that Biden, the former vice president, is the person America needs to lead the nation out of chaos.
Biden and the Democratic National Committee have chosen "Uniting America," according to convention planners, as the primary theme for the four-day day Democratic National Convention, originally planned for Milwaukee but now to be conducted by video from satellite locations because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The theme for the DNC's unprecedented virtual convention is meant to show a sharp contrast to Trump, who Democrats say has divided the nation amid one of its most trying periods.

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