Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Navalny, From Jail, Issues Report Describing an Opulent Putin ‘Palace’

From The Nrw York

As part of a dramatic battle with the Russian president playing out before an online audience of millions, the opposition leader and his team detailed a lavish compound costing more than $1 billion.

Credit...Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

MOSCOW — A team led by the Russian opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny published a sprawling investigation on Tuesday describing a secret palace built for President Vladimir V. Putin on the Black Sea, with the report’s release coming less than 24 hours after Mr. Navalny had been ordered jailed.

The report was the latest swipe in Mr. Navalny’s dramatic battle with Mr. Putin that is playing out before an online audience of millions, and it arrived as the opposition leader’s supporters seek to energize street protests planned for this weekend.

The investigation — complete with floor plans, financial details and interior photographs of a compound Mr. Navalny says cost more than $1 billion — appeared to offer the most comprehensive accounting yet of a huge residence the president is said to have built for himself on southern Russia’s verdant seashore.

The Kremlin denied the findings in the report, which went online Tuesday as a 113-minute YouTube video and a lengthy, illustrated text version that also invited users to post pictures of Mr. Putin’s purported luxury to Facebook and Instagram. The video has been viewed more than four million times on YouTube.

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