Saturday, January 9, 2021

'Threat to democracy': Democrats prepare Monday to begin impeachment of Trump over DC riots

From JSOnline:


WASHINGTON – House Democrats plan to introduce an article of impeachment as early as Monday alleging the president should be removed from office days after a violent pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol in a deadly riot.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave the green light to beginning the impeachment process following a "hours-long conversation ... unlike any other'' with her caucus.

“It is the hope of Members that the President will immediately resign. But if he does not, I have instructed the Rules Committee to be prepared to move forward with ... a motion for impeachment," she said in a statement issued by her office Friday evening.

House leaders are still discussing how best to proceed against Trump, who would be the first president ever to be impeached twice. In December 2019, the House impeached him on charges based on his efforts to pressure Ukraine to help him win re-election against then-candidate Joe Biden.

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