Thursday, March 4, 2021

Aliens Are Coming!

 No Deception!  They're real, they're pissed to the max and they're coming to kick ***.

The ones that land in China will be eaten.

The ones that land in Russia will be wiped out after 20,000,000 dead Russians.

The ones that land in the Vatican will be raped.

The ones that land in New York will be sued

The ones that land in California will take a dump and leave.

The ones that land in the UK will be quarantined

The ones that land in the UK be taxied into a hostel where they will be given so much free stuff they will never want to leave. Nobody else has left yet.

And their pets stuck in automatic quarantine 6 months to prevent the spread of space-rabies...

The ones that land in Chicago will be capped While stepping out and their saucer will be stripped.

the ones that land in DC will quickly assess, check to make sure they still have their wallets ,lock the door and leave

Here I thought the ones in Shicongo would be saucer-jacked.

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