Friday, March 5, 2021

Communist China now controls America’s energy grid, thanks to Biden


(Natural News) During his first week “in office,” Hunter’s dad, also known as Joe Biden, issued multiple executive orders that effectively hand over control of America’s energy grid to communist China.

EO 13990, which purports to be about “climate change,” contains questionably anomalous verbiage that suspends a key security measure put in place by President Donald Trump last May. For the next 90 days, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will have full access to the United States power grid.

EO 13920, which was signed by Trump and overridden by Biden, declared an official national emergency concerning the nation’s electric grid. It prohibited all acquisition or installation of:

“… any bulk-power electric equipment … designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied by persons owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign adversary.”

In other words, Trump blocked adversary nations like China from having any influence over our nation’s power grid, which Biden quickly reversed upon being “inaugurated.”

Trump’s EO was timely because just last year the U.S. seized a Chinese-built transformer because officials believed “its electronics had been secretly given malicious capabilities, possibly allowing a distant adversary to monitor or even disable it on command.”

Cybersecurity expert Joseph Weiss reported that officials found “electronics that should not have been part of the transformer,” describing them as “hardware backdoors” for foreign adversaries like China to “effectively gain control of the transformers without any network forensics being the wiser.”

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