In January 2021, the Mount Pleasant Tourism Commission ended its contract with Real Racine (formerly the Racine County Convention and Visitor's Bureau). Real Racine functions as the primary tourism marketing organization for all of Racine County, and Mount Pleasant has been a partner municipality since 1983. Mount Pleasant's action to sever the Village relationship with Real Racine will result in a loss of more than sixty percent of Real Racine's operating budget.
It is the agenda of the Village and the Tourism Commission's to use those funds - which are generated through hotel/motel room taxes paid in Mount Pleasant - to build a Village convention center. This plan has not been subjected to an economic impact or feasibility study to determine if building a convention center in Mount Pleasant will be an economically feasible endeavor. Further, the Mount Pleasant Tourism Commission has acted with no public input, oversight, or village wide referenda.
The result of Mount Pleasant's decision to move forward is both selfish and irresponsible. It will virtually destroy Real Racine's marketing and tourism efforts which benefit all of Racine County.
We the undersigned:
Are members of the greater Racine community. We support Real Racine, and their professional tourism and marketing efforts which have served our entire community for decades. We believe we are stronger and more efficient when we work together.
We condemn the actions of the Mount Pleasant Tourism Commission, and demand that Mount Pleasant act immediately to support Real Racine, by renewing the Village Tourism contact immediately.
Sign the petition:
Why would the crooked Mt. Pleasant officials want to deal with the crooked officials in Racine?