Thursday, May 6, 2021

White Woman Arrested for Being Mean to Black Amazon Deliveryman


White people in America should start wearing bodycams all the time like cops, so you can see these videos from the beginning

People can now be arrested and charged with a crime for yelling at a black person.

This is going to be the new norm: whenever there is any conflict between a white and a black, the police just show up and arrest the white person.

You people thought we were joking or exaggerating. Black people can do whatever they want now, and if you yell at them for it, you’re getting dragged away in cuffs.

Daily Mail:

A white woman could be charged with a hate crime after she called police on a black delivery driver and shouted racial abuse at him in Berkeley, California.

Julie Walrand, 35, is facing a string of charges over the April 18 incident, including using offensive words and willfully threatening a person based on their perceived characteristics, KRON4 reports.

Walrand and her boyfriend, who has not been identified, allegedly called 911 on Amazon driver Kendall McIntosh, claiming he was speeding through the streets of North Berkeley.

When McIntosh then stopped to make a delivery, Walrand pulled up next to him in her car and allegedly launched into an abusive tirade.

The black delivery driver claims he was subjected to a series of racial slurs, including the N-word.

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