Saturday, June 29, 2024

Arajs Kommando: The WW2 Extermination Group That Massacred Thousands | Nazi Collaborators

I have no reason to post this other than the fact that my parents were Latvian immigrants to the U.S.A. in the late 1940's and they both lived in Riga, Latvia during the time of the atrocities documented in this video.  They never spoke to me about this.  My father used to discuss these times with a fellow Latvian drinking buddy of his.  They spoke in Latvian and I heard the name Ulmanis mentioned many times.  It appeared that my father's friend liked Ulmanis and my father did not.

Btw, I wasn't fluent in Latvian because my father felt heavily discriminated against because of his immigrant status and therefore he didn't want me or my sister speaking the language.  I know a few words in Latvian, but I'm not like other Latvian children in the U.S.A. who have a full command of the language.  I've always regretted this. 

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