Wednesday, August 28, 2024

IEPs aren't just for learning, physical disabilities. Students with behavioral issues benefit too.

From JSOnline:

Natalie Eilbert
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

For the nearly 60% of Wisconsin's youth who say they've dealt with at least one mental health challenge in the last year, prioritizing academic success and social connections may fall to the wayside without the right supports in place.

Wisconsin families have options, depending on the child's mental health needs, according to Daniel Parker, assistant director of special education with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

Paying attention to changes in behavior is always important, as is listening to what their children are saying. But if a child is struggling with grades, connecting to others or regulating their emotions and there's no end in sight, it may be time for parents to start looking into whether an individualized education program, or IEP, is appropriate.

Read more of this horseshit here:

Another sick attempt to cripple our youth with woke assessments and psychobabble.  If a kid has a hangnail, the woke jokes want him labeled as disabled and in need of psychiatric care.  Well, fuck you.  I grew up in an alcoholic household where my parents cared more about their drinking than about their children.  Three attempts were made to molest me as a child.  I witnessed fights, violence and horror growing up.  Yet, I never considered myself a "victim."  Victimhood is what the snowflakes want for our children.  They are unable to care for their own lives, so they inflict themselves upon innocent children  What disgusting swine they are.  Pigs looking to make more pigs out of kids just trying to grow up.          

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