Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Mount Pleasant to borrow up to $5M for ECU sewer extension

From The Journal

Holly Gilvary

The Mount Pleasant Village Board on Monday approved borrowing up to $5.325 million to extend sewer and water infrastructure servicing the new Educators Credit Union headquarters, pictured in this rendering. 

MOUNT PLEASANT — The village will borrow up to $5.325 million to extend sewer and water infrastructure servicing the new Educators Credit Union headquarters.water

The $17 million development is planned for East Frontage Road, between Washington Avenue and Spring Street.

The village board approved a resolution to borrow the funds at its meeting Monday.

In other business, the board:

  • Approved the adoption of the McGrath Market Update, a compensation study which will include pay raises of at least 3.5% for village employees not meeting market standards, starting Jan. 1, 2025.
  • Approved a rezoning request for two parcels at 2500 Newman Road from RL-1 to RE to merge the two parcels and allow for up to two horses on the property.
  • Approved the reappointment of Tony Beyer to the Regional Wastewater Commission as an alternate member for a term expiring October 2025.
  • Approved the reappointment of Trustee Nancy Washburn and Claude Lois as citizen members to the Regional Wastewater Commission for a term expiring October 2028.
  • Approved amendments to development agreements and a promissory note between the village and CCM/Jarimillo LLC.
  • Approved a settlement agreement related to FEWI Development Corp. v. Village of Mt. Pleasant, Racine County Case No. 2023CV938.

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