Friday, August 23, 2024

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel devoted an entire article to Ron Johnson's misuse of the word "coup"

How fucked up is this: 

Ron Johnson said Biden exiting the presidential race was a 'coup.' Experts say it doesn't fit the definition.

That's right.  Our government watchdog is pointing out minor miscues in the language rather than alerting us to the crimes that our "representatives" commonly commit in our name.  The newspaper is playing Funk & Wagnall's while our republic is attacked.  What petty, childish, banal minds are behind that?  Elections bring out the worst in us.  Go fuck yourself, JSOnline.  

Fuck Donald Trump and Fuck Kamala Harris

The two biggest liars in politics are cumming in their pants as they scream their untruths at us, vying for the chancre to be the biggest swine on the planet.  Two untrustworthy pieces of shit looking to further loot the American public with their swindles and scams.  The upcoming election is an absolute insult to the voters.  Having to choose the lesser of two evils is no choice at all.  Fuck the system that continuously lies to us and forces us to deal with lowlifes like Kamala and Donny.  They spit in our faces as they fuck us in the ass.  Our best hope is that someone chooses the bullet over the ballot.  Go to hell, you grifters and toilet bowl scum.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Eye on AI: Health care

Right, I'm going to entrust my healthcare to the same technology that powers self-driving cars that can't negotiate in emergency situations.  The same technology used to fool millions of people with false images and words.  The same technology that answers telephone calls with useless diversions and unanswerable questions.  When I get AI on the phone, I start steaming because I know that it's just another impediment to obtaining the information that I desire.  

Healthcare is in crisis today because of crappy, lying doctors that treat everyone like an object on an assembly line. 

Video played at DNC takes a dig at Foxconn deal supported by Donald Trump

From JSOnline:

Hope KarnoppAlison Dirr
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

CHICAGO — A video played at the Democratic National Convention before former President Bill Clinton's speech took a dig at the unfulfilled promises of the Foxconn deal championed by former President Donald Trump.

"Donald Trump talked a big game about bringing jobs back to America. But it was all talk, like Foxconn," an ironworker narrating the clip says. "Trump talked a massive game about infrastructure. What a joke."

When the Foxconn Technology Group project was pitched in 2017, it was sold as creating up to 13,000 jobs. The Racine County site is about 70 miles north of Chicago, where the convention is being held, and about 30 miles south of Milwaukee.

Trump in 2018 famously broke ground at the Mount Pleasant site alongside Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou and then-House Speaker Paul Ryan. A clip of the groundbreaking was included in the Democrats' video that played Wednesday.

At the time, Trump touted the plan for the high-tech campus as "the eighth wonder of the world." A clip of Trump saying the phrase was also included in the DNC video.

Today, Microsoft is building a data center on land that Foxconn had been expected to use for a $10 billion LCD manufacturing plant, PolitiFact reported. Neither the investment nor the jobs fully came to fruition.

In May, President Joe Biden visited Wisconsin to highlight Microsoft's investment in its Mount Pleasant data center, touting it as a "comeback story." "Foxconn turned out to be just that," Biden said during that visit. "A con."

Remarks from Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson earlier in the night also focused on infrastructure, including lead pipe removal and urban projects like bike lanes and green spaces.

"Infrastructure is just a fancy word for jobs. Not just union workers, but for everyone. Small businesses are booming, communities are starting to thrive again," the ironworker narrator said.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I asked for help in a grocery store I wasn't familiar with . . .


I was in a store that I didn't know and asked an "associate" where they kept the bacon.

Her reply?  "The meat department."

This is why I think the future of the current snowflake generation will be bleak.

You need ID to drive, get hotel room or board plane. Using it to vote shouldn't be burden.

From JSOnline:
Letters to the Editor
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Regarding the article “Voter ID laws disenfranchise thousands,” it is stated needing to have an ID disenfranchises a voter (Aug. 1).

Requiring an ID to vote shouldn't disenfranchise anyone. I need one for doctor appointments, to buy alcohol, cash a check, check in at a hotel, get on a plane, rent an apartment, drive a car. On any given day you can be asked to confirm your identity.

The article also stated that voters (in Ohio) didn't know that the rules had changed. One has an obligation to know certain things, and the rules for voting is one of them.

What does disenfranchise voters is the obnoxious partisan ballot that gets put out for the primaries. If someone wants to vote for a Democrat for office A, a Republican for office B and a Libertarian for office C they should be able to do so.

Darla A. Helland, Menomonee Falls
