Just for the record, JT Irregulars, Inc. (NYSE: JTI) owns everything that you post here. We also own everything that you were thinking when you posted it, and any good ideas that you've had since then. Please forward all royalties to us. Also, we're stopping by your place tonight to look for loose change beneath the couch cushions.
Thank you for your contributions.
Good thing I can't make it big enough or clear enough to read.... Can I just claim ignorance?
Thanks for the heads up on the unannounced visit...I cleaned out the coins from under the cushions and flushed anything that could be incriminating... lol
Can anyone offer up a suggestion for terrible vaginal itching and yeast?
Please, sir, be mindful of your comments. We must protect our "brand," you know.
REAl improvement here from the old JT site.(sarcasism)
All you talk about on this new site IS the new site, nothing else of any substance.
REAL improvement alright.
Complete with trolls and all!
Can I keep my naughty thoughts?
I just love jackasses that hide behind names.
New Comer, you have to subscribe to the print editon of JT Irregulars to get the good stuff.
SER, are you aware that your naughty thoughts were being published?? Oh my! Just got my printed copy in the mail today, orbs!!!!! Hilarious.
I have a suggestion: Use the yeast to make beer, then go get laid. Perhaps that will cure the itch.
KK...I knew there was something funny with that headset I was wearing!! But I can have some damn good naughty ones. Damn good naughty, is that a oxymoron?
AvengingAngel...Please don’t tell me the name of that beer. I have visions of it being like Mescal with the worn in it!!!
you may only have the loose change from under my couch if you clean up and take everything else that is lurking under there.
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