I tend to be on the liberal side, but even I know political correctness run amok. The story takes us to Dallas where County Commissioners were discussing problems with central collections office. Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield called the office a "black hole" for all the paperwork the office loses.
Commissioner John Wiley-Price piped up and and said, "Excuse me!" and offered the alternative terminology that the office was a "white hole". The Judge, Thomas Jones, even demanded an apology for the remark!
So let's review. A black hole (originally called a gravitationally completely collapsed object so you can see why there were looking for another name) is a big massive object crammed into a very small space that has a gravitational field from which even light cannot escape, hence the name black hole. If something falls into a black hole, its lost forever. The name has bipartisan support generally as both liberals and conservatives like saying any program they don't support is a black hole for taxpayer dollars.
Now a white hole, although most scientific evidence points against their existence, would be the opposite, a point from which matter is constantly ejected. If the office looked like a tornado of paper just appeared inside, then I might consider it a white hole.
So in short, black holes have nothing to do with race, Mr. Wiley and Judge Jones. Racism is a real problem in this country and crying wolf damages your credibility when trying to deal with instances of genuine racism.
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
I must say that this site is really boring. When you guys first opened this site it was pretty cool, but now, Blah. I've also noticed that MANY of you are straying back to the JT's site more and more every day. No wonder why the JT didn't care that you all "left", they knew you'd all be back, slowly but surely. Why don't you all just kiss and make up??
TJ you are an idiot. Look at the number of posts here then there. Look at the number of comments here then there.
We are VERY happy here.
My question to you is this... If we are so "boring," why on earth do YOU keep coming HERE?
How did it all get so crazy? I still use the term "black" for "African American." Force of habit. It was the term I was taught to use rather than "Negro." The variant of "Negro" has not been acceptable in my lifetime, even when "Negro" was, except, apparently, amongst African Americans themselves. I noticed on a TV ad last night that the United Negro College Fund now calls itself UNCF. (Kinda like Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC.)
I'm still unsure of the PC term for a "mentally challenged" individual, or is that it?
The rules keep changing and sometimes it's hard to keep up.
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