I will be checking in and out until this so-called hurriane (Fay) hits somewhere. I am not in the least bit worried about it. We had some bands today and while wet, no big deal.
I have everything a person cld need...food, water, wine, generator, gas, propane, grill, beer, more water...etc.....
See you later.
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13 hours ago
Good luck to you,Beejay. I'll be pulling for you. Please,keep us posted.
I'll be fine...this is one of those hysterical type things...hyped up by the media...been through worse winter storms in WI!
But, thanks, Drew...I appreciate your concern.
And then, I hope, it is hype....
If you have wine and beer, you're good to go...
Get a big kite, could be fun!!
I am watching it also...I use to live on the Gulf Coast near Tampa Bay and have lots of friends and family there.
The forecast path seems to be drifting westward a little bit each time so I think the Pandhandle are is the most likely hit now.
Sounds like you prepared well...good luck!
Thanks for the email, beejay. We all care about you, that is why we are concerned. Hunker down, baby. Wisconsinites are a tough breed. You'll be fine. Keep us posted.
Hang in there.. grab a palm tree or something. ;)
I'll be keeping an eye on this one as well.
Hope it's all just hype.. but ya never know. You can always hop on a plane and get your butt back to WI, you know.
Don't forget, behind the plate glass window or door is the best place to take video if you want to post on youtube.
Just make sure the beer doesn't run out.
Got extra beer last week...I am well prepared. And now it is a tropical depression.
The brunt of the storm is to hit about 2 a.m. I will be soundly sleeping...but such a beautiful sunset tonight...
Nail yourself to the floor!
So far just a little rain...not even any thunder.
Storm is now supposedly moving northeast...we'll get some rain, but nothing too drastic.
Oh, it was only a two glass storm.
2 glass storm? It only lasted 10 minutes? ;> Very glad to hear all is well beejay. I've been watching the radar and thinking about you.
kk, did you know they make wine glasses that hold an entire bottle of wine? Gotta get me some of them!
Beejay, so glad you're fine!! I have a friend in Hollywood, FL who is getting married in October, so she is hoping that none will be too bad, she's taking it all in stride too. 4 years down there and she's an old pro already :)
I guess the other coast is getting nailed with some pretty nasty rain. So far, nothing too serious though for any part of the state...some minor flooding in Everglade City. Although this rain is to continue for several hours yet.
LM, your friend should have a wonderful wedding in October...normally, we start to dry out then...rain-wise, at least.
So we can’t call you Dorothy and Toto the Snake? That’s a good thing.
Dry as a bone here. Typical August Wisconsin weather, though I read the other day (on the JS site, maybe) about a farmer in the state whose acreage is still half under water from the spring flooding.
Glad it all blew past you without a problem beejay!
Orbs.. sorry but I do not consider this to be a 'typical' August in WI.
It's cool and dry. 76 for a high in August?? 60s overnight?
I am glad for the lack of heat and humidity that we usually have.
Glad to hear all is well. This storm is really an oddball...intensifying over land, probably going to boomerang back for a second landfall on the Atlantic coast of Florida and even a chance it could cross the northern part of the state and reenter the gulf and head to Louisiana! The computer models are still all over the place on this one!
The weatherman down here has become somewhat of a rebel. He contradicted the national weather service and was right on with his prediction. Some guys from England were in awe of him.
For sure this storm is acting weird. Sort of like Ivan, who ran all over the place and then came back.
From what I hear, SER, the snakes all headed for Racine. Haven't seen a one in the last couple of weeks, which is strange.
Ohhh, beejay, you gave me the shivers on that snake comment. That is why we shovel snow, to keep the snakes away.
kk, what about those snow snakes...they blend right in.
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