They allow Latin Kings to post:
LK RACINE August 26, 2008 12:19AM CST
I hope you win homez, what if this was a white bar they would say anybiody could shoot somebody and just because this happen by this fine est. white owned bar doesnt mean this bar caused this person to kill someone, thats what they would say
LK RACINE August 26, 2008 1:17AM CST
If I was the GD I would be asking for equal time.
Caledonia Fire Department gets new chief
2 hours ago
The whole thread is a disgusting excercise in gang banging mentality.
Of course, it will not be censored because nobody wrote "Party on Becker".
Uh, why would they censor the post? So someone claiming to be an LK posted. He didn't curse, defame, or malign. To censor him would be to take away his freedom of speech. He has done no wrongs, so let him speek his mind. Even if it is a pinhead opinion.
Freedom of expression doesn't end with rational thoughts only. It also embraces the irrational.
Huck... you missed my point completly. He can say anything he wants... I wanted to point out that they chase orbs and others out for less than what this guy posted.
I think they've loosened up their policy considerably, at least in the news blogs. I assume they have a written policy somewhere on the board that states, like ours, "We're the boss," but I don't think they're bringing the hammer down as much. I see some comments still get deleted, usually for racist remarks or attacks. I've posted there a few times since "The Great Purge" (lol), so apparently I'm not banned.
For now. ;)
I can't believe some of the posts that are allowed there. Why even put some stories up for comments?
Should be called the Drama Times sometimes.
More like Blogz in the Hood.
Huck, I am an absolute defender of free speech, but please understand that Orbs was banished just for the "Party On" comments. This trash is allowed to stand, but Orbs' comment got him banished. A little consistency is all we ever wanted.
"It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt".
I have also noticed a difference between posts on the news stories and what they allow in user contributed blogs. Seems that a lot more slides by in the comments on news stories.
I think they toned it down specifically because of the events that transpired. Have you looked at the post counts? Very few blogs get more than 2 posts by others. Sure you have the rabid factions pilijnon like pack dogs, but those aren't often worth even looking at as they yammer the same things over and over again.
Anyhow, the repercussions of the JTI were farther reaching than we've been allowed to see. Numbers really are everything, and their hits are down. People lurk to see and read. When there is little to see, the go elsewhere. I'd love to see the counts for JT. JTI has had an affect, and we're seeing a lighter hand as a result.
Did anyone see that the JT now has it's own fantasy FB league? Drew, that was what I was commenting about.
Apparently Winger and Iconclast are trying to get banned now. You should see the hilarious photoshop job Winger did on Cory Mason, and I think Iconclast has come unhinged.
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