While at UCLA, she majored in math. Now she has started writing math books targeted at girls. Her second book, Kiss My Math was just released. This books is a follow up to her bestseller (bestseller? Yeah, a math book!) Math Doesn't Suck.
I just listened to the interview with her on NPRs Science Friday (she was on last year discussing her first book). Both interviews are available free to listen online (just click the links).
I haven't read either of the books yet, but she is trying to make math less intimidating, focusing on girls (but she tells some funny stories about boys who have used her books as well). These two books are middle school math/pre-algebra based. I think reading them would be as muchof an education into that age of girls as it is math!
I know some of you have daughers about that age and these books might be worth checking out if she is having math anxiety. They are designed as textbook supplements so could be just the ticket.
Oh, and I have to agree with one of the callers to Science Friday...smart chicks are hot!
They have proven through MRI that women learn math and other things differently than men do. The learning process lights up different areas of the brain.
There have been studies that show girls do better in math and science when they are in a segregated class without boys. The reason for that is still up to debate.
It is unsure if the style of teaching changes or if the social distraction is less. Girls do sometimes feel reluctant to show their intelligence. Being smart can be deemed a threat and not "cool."
Good for Danica. I hope girls have the opportunity and initiative to read her books.
I have recently heard that data shows that the tide is turning, albeit slowly. Test scores are revealing more girls excelling at traditional male dominated coursework.
One of my high school math teachers was a woman. I had a crush on her. My first two semesters of calculus in college were taught by a woman. She was very good. The man I had for third semester was the living embodiment of the absent-minded professor. He would lecture an entire hour with his fly open and a shirt tail sticking out of it.
I think men and women learn a lot of things differently. We're wired differently. I assume there are cultural differences, too, but I believe some things are inherent in gender.
And hair color. ;)
I know, I know, kk, at least you have hair . . .
Well, well, well, orbs... I used to consider you my friend! ;>
I think the difference is men think in straight lines & women think in circles.
Men think? hahahahahahahahahahahaa
Great work.
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