Answers are now in the comments.
Rules: No fair looking these up online or anywhere else. You either know, or don't.
In what movie did the following names play a pivitol role? BTW, I'm starting you out with a real tough one.
1. Arch Stanton
2. Richard Blaine
3. Nathan Brittles
4. Carl Denham
5. "Squire" Will Danaher
Caledonia Fire Department gets new chief
2 hours ago
Not a clue.
Evidently, we don't watch the same movies. Are any of 'em chick flicks? ha ha. I don't watch those either. I'm taking a wild stab at #5. Shakespeare in Love?
I know that Arch Stanton was a grave stone name in a Clint Eastwood western. The gold was buried next to Him. I just cant remember the name of the flick
Only Western I remember of Clint Eastwood's is The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.....but then I'm not a movie that's probably way off base.
Wow, you guys got the difficult one. Yes, Arch Stanton was the name on the grave next to where the gold is buried.
The others are "classics", and, KK, in my opinion, one could be considered a chick flick. Definitely a romance.
I knew Arch Stanton from "somewhere," but couldn't place it until I read Stu's post. I feel the same way about number 4, Carl Denham, but I don't know where. I don't know nothing about nobody else.
Totally clueless; I have never heard of these names.
Will Danaher is The Quiet Man.
There. I know one of seven. Now I await the rest of the answers, as I won't be of any more help.
I cheated. I can't believe I didn't know one of them... at least the sort of "chick flick" one!
Ok here they are:
1. Arch Stanton
The Good the Bad and the ugly. It is the name on the grave next to "unknown" where the gold is buried
2. Richard Blaine
"Casablanca". The full name of Rick,Humphrey Bogart's character. His full name and "Mr. Blaine" are only said once in the entire movie. The rest of the time, it's Rick.
3. Nathan Brittles
"She Wore a yellow ribbon". Captain Nathan Brittles is John Wayne's memorable character.
4. Carl Denham
"King Kong". Carl Denham, played in the original by Robert Armstrong, was the promoter that organized the King Kong expedition. "Was beauty that killed the beast" was his famous line.
5. "Squire" Will Danaher
"The Quiet Man". Played by Victor McLaglen, Will Danaher is the older brother of Mary Kate [Maureen O'Hara]. Will Danaher tries to thwart the romace between Mary Kate and Sean Thornton [John Wayne]. Will and Sean square off in one of the funniest fight scenes ever filmed.
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