I have 20 people on my email list
for get-together info.
Please check your bulk and deleted files,
I send "BCC" and some servers think it's spam.
If for some reason you haven't gotten an info email
from me, PLEASE let me know. I had one the 1st time not go thru.
OUR DATE - Sept. 20th
Time - contact me
Place - not far - contact me
As always privacy and security
are highly guarded for everybody :)
Who's with us??
There's a rumor that I'll be there.
too cool!!
OK, who's next to join us??
How long do you plan on staying? I may make it later, if that's ok?
of course it's ok!!
Maybe 2-3 o-clock? I'm still not sure. Depends on DH's schedule. We only have one car.
Oh Crap, I think this clashes with Shilling's golf outing. I have to check.
No e-mail from you for me...I don't know if I will be in WI or not...I haven't made up my mind yet.
Don't you like me anymore? Boo-hoo.
Sorry, I will make one of these when I visit...will let you all know.
I know that I will be up on the mountain that weekend doing a little observing.
hale-bopp, could you point one of those huge telescopes just down a little bit and look, say, at a town a few miles away and count the nose hairs of some guy shaving in his bathroom?
I'm pre-committed for that day.....let me rephrase that; I have something on the calender that I can't get out of.
Beejay, I resent it, let me know if you get it, thanks :)
bruised and beaten, but hope to be there.
kk, "bruised and beaten," but unbowed, right?
AA and Logjam, are you able to pop out for any part of the time? we should be going from 11ish til later afternoon I'm sure, you can still stop out if you can fit it in
(I don't give up THAT easy!!)
Beejay and Lisa @ the Daily K -
I have sent numerous times and each time it comes back to me, it thinks it's spam, I tried 'reply' and everything Beejay, I know we've emailed before and I don't know what else to try, if you email me your phone number, I will call you, all i have is your Sturtevant number :(
I'll be there.
Can I bring the kids?
Will I need the leashes for them?
Looking forward to it.
Beejay you have to come who else will get my jokes?
Drew are you bringing you guy?
KK we'll let you just sit and we'll serve you I'll bring a bell for you to ring and I'll fetch for ya............
I'll be there.
Can I bring the kids?
Will I need the leashes for them?
Looking forward to it.
Beejay you have to come who else will get my jokes?
Drew are you bringing you guy?
KK we'll let you just sit and we'll serve you I'll bring a bell for you to ring and I'll fetch for ya............
Yeah Abby,I might bring my son.
Hey Lizardmom, are you bringing your lizards?
Those lizards make me nervous. Orbs, unbowed? No so sure. Pretty sure I'm not totally vertical...
Oh please don’t bring the lizards! And if you bring a snake...I’ll be outta there like a fart in a wind storm. I hate’em hate’em hate’em.
I thought about it but didn't think they would have much fun. We had to have our yard treated finally after so many years of free reigning dandelions for the boys, so they're depressed stuck inside.
NO SNAKES, I need things with legs that don't slither, eww
Beejay, I will call you later!! I was getting such a complex, I think something in cyberspace has it in for me :( I've been good, really!!
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