Rep. Corey Mason posted a blog regarding Hillary's "momentous" declaration declaring Obama the nominee. When I attempted to post a comment, a message appeared stating that "Comment moderation has been turned on. Your comment will not appear until approved".
Approved??? Approved by whom??? Rep. Mason or some lackey at RJT?
In case my comment does not meet approval here it is:
I've stated it before and I'll state it again: Clinton's support of Obama is lukewarm at best. They want him to lose, period. Hillary is not going to wait another 8 years for a chance at the nomination. She has her eyes firmly set on 2012. The only way to ensure that is a McCain victory.
Body of man found in house after fire
11 hours ago
Attempted to post at 4:13PM, as of 4:53PM, it's not there.
He did post a blog explaining that he turned off comments in the blog and why. I could do the same thing with a blog if I so choose...the person who creates the blog can make the rules for better or for worse.
HB, I respectfully disagree. In this case, it is one our our representatives. Different rules, IMHO, prevail. If RJT is going to allow a Representative to post, then they must allow unfettered responses from We, the people.
The owner of a blog has the right to accept comments, preview comments before accepting or not to allow comments. I think once you enter the public domain, what you can do and what you choose to do are under scrutiny. There doesn't seem to be any right answers. Neither way is good.
Unfettered comments? Have you read some of the garbage that is posted at the RJT? Barely literate people feel a compelling urge to show their ignorance.
And now, I was going to post a rebuttal, but the RJT's blog pages are giving errors. As the church lady always says" "How Convenient".
KK, I fully understand, believe me. I have written often about the morons that post garbage on the site.
My comment was merely another viewpoint, well within the [supposed] guidelines of the RJT site.
I noticed that, after "comments" on the Representative's blog, there is this: (0)
I think that says it all.
I was finally able to post a rebuttal. "Iconoclast" already beat me to it with another scathing commentary against Rep. Mason's tactics.
AA, your comment is actually rather benign. He has a problem though if he posts it. If e dares to pot any mild mannered posts of which I think yours is, he will come under even worse attack by the knuckle draggers.
There is no arguing with TBV. She seems rabid for her cause. Add in some of the other flavorful conservatives, and Cory becomes screwed if he allows ANY post to be emplaced. I'm sure there have been a few posts that cheer him on. Could you see the carnage if he allowed them?
Discourse at the JT has lost it's intelectual edge. I couldn't post during my time away from my home computer, and now I don't know if I want to relly try to post meaningful things there. I posted a very neutral response to why fatcats are on both sides of the fence (nothing new there), and all TBV could see was (what I thought was amusing) the dig at both contenders. Commie Muslim versus Gimme-the-button. There was no intelectual exchange about the point of the post, just a latch on to the "commie" part.
With that sort of mind set, I really don't blame Cory at all.
Well, I checked this morning and guess what. Comments are still at (0).
Why bother to post something if you don't want any comments? Why not have the RJT just write one of their usual soft pieces in the news section.
Politicians are scared to death of the absolute democracy of the interent. SCARED TO DEATH. People actually speaking their minds on an even footing with them is their worst possbile nightmare: it makes them accountable for what they say and do.
A representative who posts a blog on a public discussion site but does not allow discussion on that blog? That says it all, doesn't it? It is cowardly, sad, petty, and, frankly, unAmerican.
Btw, AA, I've been chuckling (laughing out loud, actually) whenever I read the title of this blog. Reminds me so much of myself: Spineless Yellow Dog Cowards.
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