Okay, I'll give a shot to posting here. Be nice :)
What type of things do people do that make you made, but not for a good reason?
1) People from the North Chicago Suburbs (Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, etc)
2) People who stand on the left side of an escalator.
3) People that say hello to a friend with a kiss on the cheek.
4) Just about anyone I meet between the hours of 6AM and 9PM.
Just kidding on the last one. But really, what minor annoyances get you in a bad mood in a disproportionate amount for the actual problem?
Meet Shane: Featured Pet for March 14
33 minutes ago
Your number 4 works for me!
wow... you are wound a bit tight there! :) I thought I had issues... well, I do...
1.) People who deliberately speed up and slow down to prevent you from making a lane change.
2.) People who talk on their cell phone while driving, just how important is that call that it can't wait until you get there?
3.) How about when the doctor's office says they will call you back; you wait the whole stinking day, and they DON'T call!
I totally agree with KK on all 3 of her listings.
One a can’t deal with is the little F@%king A$$*@%les who walk slowly across the street in front of you, and look at you like “what”!
People in the grocery check out line with a hundred coupons, and 3/4 of them are expired. Then then don't want the items if the coupon is no good. THEN....they have to write a check and balance their checkbook, while the pizza your holding is thawing out but your arm is already frostbit, and the milk is getting warm!
people that pull up in the drive thru lane and tell the person trying to take their order to WAIT because their phone call is more important than the people bunching up behind them.
The lack of common courtesies, little things can feel like thistle thorms sometimes. I try to let it go but sometimes and some days.....
I'm into my 2nd rough week, so just about everything :)
Dirty bald headed old fat men who wear suspenders.
Men on motorcycles (sport bikes in particular) that don't tuck the backs of their shirts in so we all get a look at their backs.
People who spit in public
Busting your butt off to get something done,while your co-worker yaks it up with the boss.
Cars that pull way into the crosswalk at a red light...you have a walk signal and they are looking totally away from you trying to make a right turn on red. As soon as you try to cross (with your walk signal) they are ready to run you down without looking.
Yeah, I get that a lot.
Scoop, you should see how I look when I take the suspenders off.
93% of other drivers.
100% of people with cell phones. (That's all you hear in the hospital: cell phones going off. There was a tech in the ER who had two gong off at the same time.)
96.5% of people in line for anything.
I also hate being told how important my call is by a recording.
Why aren't they just honest with you???
"We are receiving more calls than we could possibly f'##ing answer. We don't really give a shit what you are calling about. We already know you aren't happy about something and you are calling to complain.
If it is really that important for you to go into tedious detail, stay on this line and listen to our annoying music and apologies.... your call will be taken in the order in which it was received."
By the way, did I ever tell you all I really used to answer an 800# customer service line?
that guy with the suspenders is someone I know....
The couple in the left lane on the interstate who were kissing and I have no idea what (well, yes, I do...) when I was trying to get to the airport in record time. Get a room or try the rest stop, okay!
People who bring everything they own onto the Airplane and then try to either stuff it into the overhead, or jam it under the seat.
Sloooooooooow bartenders.
I them, "this ain't no necktie it's my tongue".
People that wear sunglasses inside.
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