I know, I've heard and read all of the arguments against the death penalty, but really, why should this callous inhuman piece of crap be kept alive?
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Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
I don't care if the death penalty is a deterrent or not. As far as I'm concerned, that's not the point. I consider it an insult to human dignity and values to allow certain individuals to continue to live. I also believe that the cummulative effect of those insults has badly damaged our society. The slide downward toward the lowest possible common behavior (animal) continues unabated. Now that we accept murder, is it any wonder that common decency and civility are in decline?
I am totally for the Death Penalty. The Constitution of the United States allows for an appeal. This appeal process should happen while their walking these individuals from the court room to the hangman’s noose. If left up to me, I would make damn sure the hangman’s noose was within 500 yards of the court room, and the jailer is a speed walker.
With the advent of DNA testing, there are a lot fewer innocents on death row. Once we get to zero wrongly accused and tried, hang em mall high. Unfortunately, they are still finding innocents that have festered on death rows for years.
Someone like this though where it is cut and dried should have the fast track to the noose.
I firmly believe in a eye for an eye. Even to the extent that you should die the same way you took someone else's life - when at all possible.
Orbs I think you said it well with now that accept murder is it any wonder that common decency & civility are in decline.
I'm with Huck. Although, I am not an advocate of the death penalty, in this case it seems the only appropriate punishment.
Creep. And what did he prove? Not that he is a real man.
Because we are better than him.
It is even in my will...in the unlikely event of my murder, the death penalty is NOT to be carried out. My lawyer says it is not legally enforceable but they would probably take it into account.
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