Going up North this weekend,to visit my family and get away from the insanity of the city. Out there in the boondocks,I'm going to do some fishing with my boy,go 4 wheelin' in the woods with our ATV's ,and maybe get some fall pictures.
So where does everybody when go when they want to getaway? Any vacation mermories?
When I was a kid in the last century, my family went to Baileys Harbor in Door County (before it was overran by FIBS). It was quiet and peaceful and not full of the hoity toity shops there are now. It was then my father ruined my life for me. There was a year an old codger he met offered to sell part of his farm to him for $125 an acre. My dad had the money, but said it would have been a waste of money because it was land in the middle of the peninsula full of rocks and not near a lake. I don't even want to think what it is worth now.
I haven't been on an official vacation in years, decades maybe. I visit a buddy in Milwaukee every now and then, and that's kind of a one day mini-vacation for me. Until recently, I went to the Chicago Botanic Garden regularly, too. Can't afford it now.
When I was a kid, the family went up to Hayward every year. Rented a cabin on a lake. The big thing was to catch a muskie. They had muskies and muskie heads mounted everywhere. All of them had their mouths open with those jagged teeth and looked ferocious. I was scared to death that I'd hook one. The local Indians (now Native Americans) would put on performances for the tourists and sell trinkets and souvenirs. Woo-woo.
I can remember when in 7th grade the teacher asked where everyone went on vacation. Some of the answers were Colorado, California, Flordia, Washington DC. I raised my hand and said I went to Wind Lake. I never knew you could go anywhere else because we went there every weekend in summer.
Florida and the Dells are my favorite places!! After visiting my friend in Florida, I have since aspired to be a snowbird someday!
Bailey's Harbor,I've been there, logjam. It's an quaint little town(aren't they all in Door County?). Door County is a one gigantic tourist trap.The land can go for some megabucks up there.
The land by where I go,goes for $3000 per acre and lakefront-$1000 per foot. So Door County,being the way it is,probably is much higher.
Orbs-I have a friend who likes to muskie fish in Hayward area. The lake I go to,has mostly panfish and perch. I once caught a 24" northern pike by accident.
Well,I'm leaving bright and early tomorrow morning. I'll check in on the blogs on my folks dial-up computer
Have a great time!
Dial-up? I don't think even the logo will load.....
Liz-I've never been to Florida,I'd like to go someday. I want to see the Everglades and the shuttle launch. Not Disney World,I don't care to much for the tourist traps. I've been to the Dells once,on a canoe trip.
I am a year-round resident in Florida....have a gathering at my house! An hour to the Everglades. Fishing trips can be arranged out of Placida (near Boca Grande---where the Bush family vacations). Backwater fishing trips can be arranged in the Everglades. If you have never seen Big Cypress Swamp, it is beautiful.
When I was a child, we did the upnorth thing to Tipler, WI or Oconto Falls in the Summer. Christmas time, we all loaded in the car and drove to New Braunfels, TX where my grandparents lived. I think I have seen the Alamo about 200 times!
Drew, enjoy your weekend!
Beejay, we aren't tough like you, we are afraid of those snakes and gators.
The group would literally have to get the bus in action... Reading some of the comments on those blogs, that is scarier than snakes and gators... January "business" meeting at beejays? :)
I'll handle the gators and snakes. I will make sure I have a mothball necklace for SER to keep those snakes away.
I haven't seen one in a while, but the other day when I was taking my walk, a heard a growl in the woods...
Snakes,gators,andbears I can handle. It's the spiders that give the hebegebes!
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