We had a great trip!! The weather was good for most of the trip,
My friend is now very happily married and we're home.
WOW, do I have the stuff to do around here,
so much to catch up on, emails, blogs, wow!!
You guys have been very busy on here,
give me the weekend to get caught up
(tomorrow AM I have heel surgery and will be very happily doped up)
I'll be back in the swing of things soon I hope!
Welcome back,Liz! We missed you! Good luck on your surgery tomorrow.
thanks Drew, I really missed having online access :( I finally finished reading all the blogs that were posted after we left, you guys sure have been busy.
I was starting to worry about where you've been. Remembered about the surgery, forgot about the trip. Yes, good luck. Good thing it is your foot. You can still type! Welcome back, we missed you.
Welcome back. Remember, when they ask you to rate the pain on a scale of zero to ten, always say ten. That way you get the best meds.
Hey Hop Along Liz.....
You sure you don’t want to try a hammer first?
WOW LIZ glad you had a great trip...good luck with the heel........
When do you ever take a break?
Abby, other than taking this weekend to do nothing at all, nope, don't take a break much :) Does the vacation we took count?? :)
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