Palin really gets my cheese melted and not in a good way. She would seek out a constitutional ban on gay marriage. Is the Right that bent on Fascism? Do we need even more government in our business? After she puts through that amendment, she wouldn't stop. She is showing her true Nature with that bit of hate speech.
What about Powell? He was well respected by the Right. There were many hoping for a McCain/Powell ticket. Now he is a pariah. Interestingly enough, views are so utterly entrenched, people are unwilling to rethink their views. It's become too emotional an issue for clear thinking. Yet it says a lot when the comment is made by a man who "used" to be revered by the Right. Picking Palin brings judgment abilities into question.
Sadly I think Obama has less than nine months to live if he wins. My impression is that there are way too many crazies on the Right. Bidden will be President by next year Christmas, and the ghettos and some burbs will be in flames. I hope not. Obama won't bring anymore Socialism into the world than is already being heeped in his lap by Bush's regime. He will bring a lot less Fascism though.
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
Last week my 87 year old mother mentioned the unmentionable. She said that she believes if Obama is elected president, he will be assassinated. Now you say it. It makes my stomach tighten up, probably out of fear of the grain of truth. We are so polarized. There are so many wackos out there. I wonder if the odds aren't about the same for McCain if he wins?
No matter who "wins," they inherit a mess.
Be nice to the Wackos!
Oops, I meant nutjobs.
Is it better to live in a facist state or a socialist state? Huck?
Timing is everything:
I really hope you are wrong. I agree that obama has more to worry about his safety because he is bi-racial.
I was at the nursing home yesterday when a sweet elderly woman, very loudly, asked the nurse who "that big negro fella was." (a harmless looking frail, male resident in a wheelchair) She exclaimed he stood by her door and she was "scared half to death" he was coming in to get her.
Fear and racism is so ingrained in our history it is, unfortunately, hard for some people to let it go.
I couldn't resist. AA provided the link, and I posted a comment on a Journal Times' blog.
I feel so, so ... dirty now.
This comment has been voiced over and over again...but I am hearing that either candidate will be targeted. What a world we live in.
Orbs, I try very hard not to go there. I have been tempted to post comments when I do. So far, I've resisted all posting urges!
The blogs are so out of control there.... It is sad to see the people we used to communicate with delve so deep into the muck and mire in their posts.
Go shower, say a prayer, spin around three times and throw salt over your shoulder, but I'm afraid... nothing will really remove that sin! ;>
Gosh AA I think it's better to have less government. Where is your outrage over the socialism we've just entered? Not a peep. Obviously the flavor of socialism is your only gripe. Not a peep over what we've entered, but loud outcries from something no better than a broken crystal ball.
You may be right though, After all, the liberals were spot on with how bad Bush was going to be. Heck he was even worse than our worse fears. My crystal ball on Palin says not just more of the same, but like walking off a cliff.
Huck, to the contrary, the socialistic tendencies being shown by so called conservatives is frightening, Bush included. I believe Obama & Co. will drive us off that cliff. The future prospects would be Orwellian in nature.
I don't think it is fair to anyone to label them a facist (read nazi) just because they have a strong opinion about abortion.
If anything could remotely (and I stress, remotely) be compared to the holocaust (read nazis), it is the abject disregard for human life shown by some of the pro-abortion crowd. The pro-abortion extremists believe that a woman has the right to kill an infant anytime before it is naturally born. I personally find this view repugnant in the extreme. On the other end, extreme anti-abortionists feel that abortion under any circumstances is wrong.
I believe that resonable people can come to an agreement on regulating abortion (or any other issue), but as long as we allow extremists on both sides to control the conversation, we will continue to go nowhere fast.
I will add: Maybe it's time for a good third party.
How about the "Irregular Party"?
Hello Everyone
Hi Mary, would you be the O'Mary from the former site? Welcome, either way...
I guess I'm a ghoul of sorts. I believe it is okay to abort in the first trimester. I draw the line in the shady second, and feel the third should not be a choice, but if needed in dires events.
No abortion at all is the exact opposite of killing fetuses up to the 8th month with impunity. McCain would put an end to even a half way meet on the issue. Palin would take it to dracionian limits. She'd also impose constitutional limits on marriage.
I didn't say Nazis. Italians had their own fascism. Fascism is a mindset. We've been in dangerous times with the hard line mindset of the far right. It's time to step back from that extreme.
When Obama takes a bullet, I want everyone to take notice of how some on the right react. Sure, we're still civilized and many will be shocked and offended, but there will be some. These are the fascists in our midst and they shouldn't be followed or given a very loud voice that's followed by others.
It doesn't have to be Hitler, it doesn't have to be Nazis. It doesn't hasve to be Musolini. I'm not saying we are there. However, Fascism can happen in many flavors and one of them is where we are now. Lets step back and catch our breath.
Yes its me. Thank you. Its so nice to see a blog where no one is calling each other names.
I was out on the other site (just looking) and they are still at it. I swear TBV works for the GOP.
I'll be so glad two weeks from tonight when all of this is over. Well, until the next week when the 2012 campaign begins.........
Welcome Mary!!!
Again, if you ever come to town, PLEASE let me know, we are still doing get-togethers, would love to meet you!!!
Welcome,O'Mary to the site!Here at the JTI,our only goal is to have fun!
Welcome, Mary...good to see another familiar face here.
As Kang said, "Abortions for some, miniature American flags for all!"
Thanks Guys! You are really sweet.
We were in town over the 4th of July so I'm not sure when we'll be back. That 14 hour drive is a killer! But, if you're married to a fisherman and you're going to Wisconsin, you have to bring the boat.
Huck, I am a woman who has had the blessings of giving birth to three fantastic people. I am also the mother of daughters who are of age that could give birth. You would think I would be anti-abortion. I am not. I must be a ghoul too. I don't believe that abortion is the answer to birth control either.
However, the government has NO RIGHT to mandate what happens between a woman, her body and her doctor. PERIOD. These are tough decisions women make under very tough situations.
People are totally asinine if they think making abortions illegal will end that practice. It will just become more dangerous again.
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