Thursday, October 23, 2008

States target sex offenders before Halloween

There's an AP story here about how various states have laws governing the activities of registered sex offenders on Halloween. Most of them specify that sex offenders can't have contact with children or Halloween activities, cannot dispense candy, etc. The ACLU is fighting the laws in one area.

I never thought about it before, I mean, specifically prohibiting sex offenders from participating in a holiday that revolves around children. Sounds like a good idea to me, but I know that the "rights" of sex offenders is also an issue.

Truth is, I have no idea what we should do with "those people." I know an individual who committed a horrible sex crime against a two year old. He was tried, convicted, served time in prison, and his parole included sex offender counseling and classes. As far as I know, he has not committed another such crime. I also felt that he never fully accepted responsibility for his original crime because he always said that he was out of his mind drunk when he did it, and it would never have happened had he been sober. I've pointed out numerous times that I'm an alcoholic, yet never once in my deepest drunkenness did I ever even consider committing a sex crime. I think that's something that's inside of you whether you're drunk or not, sane or not.

I don't know what the solution is. Do you?


  1. Of course, the ACLU is more concerned about sex offenders on probabtion than the safety of children.

  2. "I don't know what the solution is. Do you?" How about giving them a sign to put on their front lawn that says "PERVERT INSIDE".

  3. I think there is a short somewhere in the brain that makes them go against social mores. It cannot be fixed but may be controlled. They should be kicked out of society. Like the animal kingdom. They kick out those who do not follow the rules and many do not nurture babies if they are not 'normal'. There are no excuses for perverts. NONE! Boy did I get my rant out on this, huh!

  4. The vast majority of sex offenses (like crimes in general) are for minor crimes, not molestation or rape, but more likely a drunken flash to the hen party in a nightclub, or parents who (horror!) take a bathtime pic of their kid, a chap who slapped the butt of the receptionist at work, the list goes on. By going along with the witch hunt you are hurting the wives and children of these people who should never have been convicted in the first place.
