(Sung to Jingle Bells)
tax and spend
tax and spend
choo choo on the brain
oh what fun it is to ride
this empty little train.....
Come On KRM Committee.... our Pockets are empty. We are taxed out and cant pay anymore to fund pet projects. Give us a fricken break!
Charlene St. Martin, 67, beloved mother and grandmother
58 minutes ago
RWWackoStu...soon you’ll be so poor our new leader, The Big B, will take care so don’t worry be happy
I love the song.
We're all gonna live in a huge megapolis called Chi-skok-wau-keno-cine-kee.
Yep, seems like itgs time for Who wants to be a Billionaire.... Like American Express.... they want a hand out too because they arent making money... their complaint??? NOBODYS spending money.... wonder why????????? NOBODYS GOT MONEY!!!!Hell. bail me out too please!!!!!
ride the train,
ride the train,
the future's almost here!
you don't have
to complain,
and there's nothing you should fear!
Actually transit is making a huge comeback here in the states.
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