Well, I am going to step into it and post a few thoughts for discussion.
First, I am kind of surprised...I mean, don't Democrats find a way to screw things like this up?
Now to the serious part. McCain's concession speech was one of the best I have seen him give. If he campaigned like that, he might have had a different outcome (and if he hadn't pandered to the far right with his VP pick). After a campaign that got nasty at times, it was good to see the decent man I saw running in 2000 (and still think we would have been a lot better off if he won the Republican nomination then...he probably would have won by a much wider margin over Gore IMHO). Although I like that Obama won, I do have empathy for McCain. He worked hard for a long time for this and it has to be tough to come so close.
So Obama won and boy is there a lot of work to do. Yeah, I voted for him in the end (after seriously considering third party candidates to show that I really wasn't totally enthralled with either of them). Here are a few things I hope he does...
First, he says he wants to work across party lines and one of the best first steps is to make sure there is a Republican or two in his Cabinet. Probably a moderate Republican (although I am sure some conservatives would complain that he just appointed a RINO). A Colin Powell could be a good choice for a couple of posts. Lincolen Chaffee is another possibility. I am sure there are other good choices as well and hopefully he can find one or two he can work with.
Second, he need to get control of Pelosi! She has some good qualities but seems to have spent most of the last two years more intent on punishing Repulbicans for what they did when they were in charge than in running a productive Congress. Under a Repubican administration, she seemed to see herself as the big dog of the Democratic party. Obama needs to get her in line (Harry Reid is guilty as well, although to a lesser extent).
Thrid, he needs to run a more open administration. The Clinton health care initiative and the famous Bush Energy task force were both hindered rather than helped by the secrecy that surrounded them. It's the people's business and we should be in on it. I know the argument is that people won't give candid advice if it's public, but unless its a true national security issue, they should have the cojones to go on the record if their advice is so hot.
The last one I am going to state (for now...believe me I could go on, but it's getting late) is don't let the majority go to their heads. Take a little time to be sure the bills really are well written and in the best interest of the country. That might even include an occasional Republican idea in there. Try it...they might not filabuster everything in the Senate (assuming the Democrats do not reach 60...some races are still to be decided as I write this).
So those are just my first thougths. There are a lot of important issues to be dealt with both at home and abroad. The celebration can't last too long. I look forward to his first appointments to see which direction he is going.
First steps: Exoskeleton helps Milwaukee man learn to walk
28 minutes ago
All I can say is thank goodness this mess is over for now. I'm so tired to political blogs and email and people just being nasty to eachother (not that I think that is going to change that much).
I really truly hope that he really can reach across party lines and unite us again. It saddens me that there is such polarization now a days. No one can respect one another when their opinions differ.
I'm glad to see JTI can hold up some decent and civilized conversations. Thanks for the break you guys and gals.
I wish Obama the best. He has a tough road ahead of him. He speaks elequently, and seems to be a very intelligent, firm leader. We need some intelligence in Washington. Things have been a joke far too long.
I agree on the Pelozi comment. She has really made a mockery of politics and I personally believe made an ass out of herself. It is time to move forward.
I think too that maybe the health initiatives that failed in the past had to do with a hatred of Hillary Clinton by many of the people voting on it....and the pork that was heaped into it. How do we stop pork from being tagged on to bills? Not sure if we can. Special interest groups have too much power.
Orbs the cynic here: I expect no change, just more polarization and more special interest groups. The only candidate who even came close to my beliefs (primarily, the Constitution of the United States of America) was Ron Paul.
To me, politics and religion are essentially the same thing: social control mechanisms that spout platitudes and sound good in theory, but are mean-spirited and divisive in practice. I never read a statement attributed to Jesus Christ that I disagreed with, but I've also never met a Christian who tries to live up to even one of them (Mother Teresa aside, but I never met her). Same thing with politicians: they will sing "God Bless America" while they rape your mother if they think there is a penny of profit or power in it for them. I believe that malfeasance in office should be rewarded with corporal punishment. Of course what I believe is a joke; those in power are never held accountable for what they do. Never.
I don't expect much change unless Obama can rein in Pelosi, Reid, Barney Frank, etc. The dirty little secret is that the Nancy Pelosi congress has the lowest approval rating ever.
I too (even though I didn't vote for him) wish Obama the best of luck. I must; As he goes, so does this nation.
Best of luck to Obama. He's going to need it. He's beholding to a lot of people that put him on Pennsylvania Ave. He'll be able to deliver to some and make them happy. He won't to others and that will piss them off. And I agree with the discussions that he will need to change the Congressional leadership. Polosi Reid, and others have been so antagonistic to Republicans, too many of the hate their guts to get anything done. The Democrats still do not have a filibusterproof senate majority. That may not bode well with Obama if he can't get his agenda going. That along with if the economy remains as is, or worsens, he may well be a one term president.
The problem with pork is that it is never voted on its own merit. It is usually buried in such an important bill that it is overlooked just to get the primary bill passed. The favorite is some kind of funding bill that has to be passed now. And if you try to send it back to committee to get the pork taken out, grandma may not get her SS check. That's why a politician jump up and down and say "Soandso is against veterans. He voted against the veterans education bill." When in fact it wasn't the veteran education that Soandso was against, but the pork rider that had nothing to do with vet benefits. It's a dirty trick that both sides use. Don't expect it to ever go away.
At the moment I'm happy and relieved. I hope he proves the nay sayers wrong and proves my choice was a sound one
I am looking forward to any type of change that is different from the way things are now. If anyone has had an opportunity to waste 5 bucks to see the movie W probably delibertly voted againt McCain. I for one am very happy that Obama won!!!! Very happy that the calls have stopped, the negative brochures, and that the blond *itch on the VIEW has FINALLY shut the F- up!!!!!!!!
I was very happy that Obama won last night. Lets hope he can start to change things.
I was also happy in 2006 when the dems took control. Not too long afer, I thought my God, can't we do better than Pelosi? As a woman I'm proud of her accomplishments. As an American citizen, I just want to tell her and Reid to just shut up sometimes. They most certainly do need to be reeled in.
My neighbors sure were whooping it up last night when Obama won. Never before I've seen people so excited over an election.
I'm not politcal.I know I should have more interest in politics,but I don't. This election didn't help matters. There was so much mudslinging and nastiness that it totally turned me off. What happened to a positive campaign? Was there ever one?
I wish Obama the best of luck. He's going to need it. I sincerly hope he can change things for the better.
Sorry, but only idiots watch the View.
Drew, memory is untrustworthy, and mine especially so, but there definitely was more decorum in the campaigns of yesteryear. However, the same thing can be said about society in general. I'd like to see the return of some civility to daily life, but I'm not holding my breath.
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