Frankly, I am very surprised by this ruling. Of course, if the powers that be in Racine had not gone out of their way to make Mr. White a scapegoat for their failures, and had just tried him on the merits of the case, all of this insanity could have been avoided. Now we get treated to the spectacle of another circus trial. Plus we get to pay for it. How much has this already cost us? How much more? What will it cost us when the city settles the lawsuit that Adrial will bring? All of this so that some good old boys could save face . . .
Meanwhile, the citizens of Racine are at the mercy of criminals, and people who torture two-year-olds to death face 6 years imprisonment (maybe). What a farce, and what a sad commentary on crime and punishment in Racine, Wisconsin.
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
I went and read the article. I unfortunately began reading the comments.... OMG, am I really in the minority on this one?
He was being robbed. He made the mistake of going outside with a weapon to protect his property. (my argument for NOT owning a gun) Is that considered premeditated murder? These were criminals caught in the act of committing a crime. They could have been armed. How was he to know?
If he had called the police, how long would it have taken for them to arrive? Would they have gotten there before these repeat criminals got away?
If he been the one who was shot, wouldn't everyone say how unfortunate it was?
I served on a jury once. It is pretty cut and dry as to what you can and can't do. I'm sure the jury made the only decision that the current evidence provided.
I'm not against Adrial getting another trial, especially considering the facts and the length of the original sentence that was rendered. This was a working man, paying his bills, not a dreg to society.
I believe that the first degree, intentional homicide charge was meant to send a message, and that's what galls me so much. I do not advocate the death penalty for property crimes, but that doesn't warrant charges of premeditated murder in a case involving a crime of passion. Manslaughter, maybe; 1st degree murder, no way.
Isn't it odd how our DA wheels and deals with every piece of garbage that the police pick up, but he doesn't budge on this one? Could it be because he knows that his wheeling and dealing has led to a culture of crime in Racine wherein thugs face little, if any, consequences for their actions? He has to nail Adrial because Adrial represents the frustration of the average person who is preyed on by hoods and punks while Racine's criminal justice system releases ever more back into our neighborhoods.
It is shameful that those charged with protecting us from criminals would persecute a man rather than admit that they have failed us.
Don't be surprised for some kind of plea deal. The state will probably offer a charge of second degree intentional homicide and the defense will shoot (sorry bad word) go for wreckless homicide by use of a deadly weapon.
If the state wants to come back with a first degree intentional homicide charge, I think they're nuts.
I always thought murder in the first degree meant you planned it. I'm pretty sure Adriel didn't plan this.
Like KK said, Adriel didn't know if these guys were armed.
Manslaughter 1 or 2, with credit being given to time already served.
Personally, I think he should be set free.
This is interesting. I read this article this morning and made me thing of Adrial....
Man Beaten Trying to Stop Vandals
Wow, SER, what timing! Our DA is VERY inconsistant in handling cases. Remember the teacher he went after alleging assault? It seems that if you are a normal person, you get the book thrown at you, but if you are a typical thug/gang banger, you get a slap on the wrist. I wish someone would run against him someday.
He'll probably be charged with obstructing felons in the commission of a crime. I will NEVER intervene with thugs committing a crime again. Every time, I have been chastised by the RPD for not laying down and playing dead. Last time, they couldn't even find the guys I tangled with, so they issued me a disorderly conduct ticket. I was ticketed for taking photographs of criminal activity. The cops said taking pictures of punks breaking the law was likely to incite them to violence - which it did - and therefore I was in the wrong for "provoking" the hoods by documenting their crimes. The thugs ran off and I was rewarded with a $300 ticket for sticking around to face the police. I told the officers that I had learned my lesson and would never help another person again. I don't care if they're murdering you, I'm not getting involved. Just the way the RPD likes it - if they're not proactive on crime, NOBODY can be proactive on crime, We have to keep our DA wheeling and dealing in the courtrooms.
Nieskes is a disgrace. The felon's best friend in Racine county. He consistently undermines every effort made to wrest control of our city back from the criminals. He racks up convictions on worthless, watered down charges that keep the animals in charge of the zoo and prosecutes anyone who dares to point out that truth.
Btw, a camera is a very effective tool against thugs. They HATE to have their picture taken. When punks were congregating in front of my old apartment building and no one would do anything about it (as usual in Racine), I started to take their pictures whenever I entered or exited the building. It was funny after awhile, because I would pull up and there would be a group of ne'er-do-wells hanging out in front of the building, but as soon as they saw me, they'd disperse. Of course, I realize now that I was trampling on the thugs' right to intimidate passers-by and the people who lived in the building, so I am deeply apologetic. I no longer live in that building and I see now that the hoods can congregate freely there again and harass whomever they want to without interference from law abiding citizens. God bless America.
Keep it up, maybe a thug will crank a round off at you and you will piddle yourself.
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