Have you made any resolutions for the coming year?
I think this past year has seen me through a very difficult time in my life. I have found out that I am worthy in my own right; that I am a strong woman and very capable.
I have started doing volunteer work at our local library in a bookstore that is stocked with donated books from people in our area.
I have also had a couple of men ask me out...the latest was a street-corner minister. He owns a farm in the Everglades...that sent up red flags, let me tell you! Think the phyton that tried to eat the alligator. Maybe I read too many of those scary books! And, NO, I am not going out with him. I'm sure he has an alligator as a house pet.
I will also be starting to tutor in the adult literacy program in both proper language usage and math. This should be very interesting. I only have one student, so it is one person's life I'm about to turn upside down either for the good or not so good. Thank goodness it's only one! I have spoken to the student, who reads at a third grade level and has no math skills. She wants to be an LPN or Phlebotomist (is that spelled right???)...Guess she could have said brain surgeon next, oops, that would a neurologist!
For the coming year, I resolve:
To be a better person than I was this year. Play nice and fight fair. (No, not Ken Fair!)
To continue to let my heart heal; I think I'm doing well in that department, finally. Sort of.
To continue to not act my age (that's a good thing, I think?)
To continue to let people think I can dance (NOT). Right up there with not acting my age.
To learn more about football. The only thing I am sure about is a touchdown and a field goal. I do know what colors the Packers uniform is..honest...
To try to avoid being run over by one of these elderly folks in their motorized wheelchairs. My leg is still bruised. The nerve of that man, no back-up alarm on his little trolley. Almost had me in his lap.
And to find a way to fix the economy as well as the world hunger issues. Oh wait, I think SER said he would do the economy for me and Liz probably has some great plan for the world food problem. You know how effective she is in that area.
But all-in-all, I think I will just end up being Beejay who loves to talk and joke and have fun. Remember, there is humor to be found in almost any situation.
I want to hear some outrageous New Year Resolutions from you guys. Oh, SER, we know what you will be doing...get that calculator out NOW. My stocks need help.
To each of you I wish only the best of the best for 2009!
Fire crews battle large barn fire in Caledonia
9 hours ago
I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions...those are for people with flaws :)
Back when I was in college, a reporter was at the mall doing interviews with people about their NYRs. I pulled out that little one liner above. The reporter started laughing but I stayed deadpan. After a few seconds she stopped laughing and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Were you serious?"
True story...the quality of local news reporters...oh, and they did air it!
You are a dickens, aren't you...poor thing was probably scarred for life. ;) Are you sure you aren't my younger brother in disguise? He used to do things like that all the time.
I hate to fail, so no resolutions for me.. ;)
HB. that's good...
Beejay. sounds like you are moving in the right direction.
Best of luck to you.
Ok.. I do have one resolution.. to learn to spell psycho without using speelchek. :)
I hope Madame Zoltar’s prediction comes true for me. And, yes she is right about giving it away...BUT you can bet we all will PARTY HEARTY on a new super huge bus. It might even have room service!
I don't do well with resolutions, but I can try I guess :)
work less, have more fun, keep the get-togethers going, and take more time for me!I know that may sound selfish but I don't take enough time for me and end up worn out and getting sick :(
oh- and to blog more!
I don't usually make new year's predictions either. Statistics show most of them fail anyway. I believe you should live your life each and every day without regret. That is a tall order that I fail to execute all the time. When I hit "the certain age" this year, I vowed to not say "NO" to things that scared me... to try new things.
I can't say that I'll blog more. In reading some recent comments on other sites, I find we are thought to be often cliquish and trite... hmmmm..
I guess if I am going to make any changes it will be to please myself more and learn who I really am. I've spent the first half of my life trying to take care of and please others. I'm more than half way through the journey and maybe I need to focus a little closer to home.
SER, let me give you my home address.......
In 2009 I would like to actually be able to attend at least one of the JTI get togethers.
I would also like to get caught up, or at least somewhat caught up on my scrpabooking. I think I'm stuck somewhere in 2005. Ooops :)
Then, of course, I need to add in all the standard stuff ... exercise more, loose some weight, etc.
We should save these comments and re-publish them 12/31/09 and see how we all did.
The one I should have put down was to organize all my pictures. Somehow when I moved to Florida, my brain decided I no longer needed to put them in photo albums. I have a drawer full of pictures in no order...Lord help me.
I honestly don't do New Year's Resolutions...I start things when I an inspired enough that they become important. I started running in October and started my photo album project (similar to Beejay) in October (which also involves selecting and printing all the digital pictures I want to use...I am making good progress).
My philosophy has always been the inspiration for change comes from within, not from a date on the calendar.
Hopefully in 2009,I'll be out there enjoying life a little more. To meet new people and learn new things. To be more open. Life has so much to offer.
"Have you made any resolutions for the coming year?"
I think about it, but I usually end up not resolving anything to resolve nothing.
So, Logjam, you have resolved not to have any resolutions? I think that might qualify as a resolution.
I have trouble controlling my behavior from hour to hour, let alone for a year.
Well, I had three glasses of wine (no ice, Abby!) and I think it was over my limit..oh dear. So to all I say HAPPY NEW YEAR. Glad this one is done.
I did that too beejay, had to take a nap. Now I'm up for round two. This time the beverage is ice water. I'm really a lightweight sometimes.
I'm ready to move on to the new year too. That extra second at midnight is killing me....
I didn't stay up...I missed the dropping of the ball. Just watching Dick Clark and thinking of all the old regulars from Band Stand was too much for me. Wonder where Franny is these days?
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