Even though Im not posting as much (And yes, the Friday video's are coming back this week!) There is a good reason:
Press Release
Sturtevant resident Chris Larsen, is running to be your voice on the Sturtevant village board.
Sturtevant is a growing and vibrant community that is trying to maintain it’s small town feel while competing in the 21st century. My goal is to make sure that happens. We need to ensure that Sturtevant will remain a destination for business and job growth while preserving the neighborhood feel one gets walking the village, or attending a festival.
People here have strong feelings and long planted roots. In talking to people around the village, they expressed that the village needs to keep taxes as low as possible while providing the services they have come to expect. They also expressed that Sturtevant needs to remain an independent village. They don’t want us to become Racine west, or an extension of Mt. Pleasant.
While I have only been a village resident since 2005, I have fully immersed myself in the history of our village, and will use that history to shape the future of Sturtevant.
There are challenges forthcoming in the next two years and I pledge to listen to the people of Sturtevant and make decisions based on what is best for the future of the village. I want to offer new ideas for addressing the issues Sturtevant faces. My vision for Sturtevant is to be a place where you would want to raise a family and a place that is attractive to new business of all sizes. I am very excited about the opportunity to serve the citizens, residents, taxpayers, businesses, and employees of our community. I would appreciate your support on April 7, 2009 and am asking for your vote.
Please stay tuned to http://larsenforsturtevant.wordpress.com for campaign updates.
So I figured it's time to be part of the solution (or is it part of the problem?!?) and serve. This should be interesting! Im open to any ideas (or donations!) you guys have.
Discovery World renovating Caribbean aquarium
14 hours ago
RW, you lowlife politician! lol
Best of luck! We need people who are like the rest of us in government!
RW - best of luck to you. I would be glad to help you out in any way if need be. Let me know and I will get you my email / phone number.
Good luck, Stu. You are obviously passionate about wanting what is best for your community and I wish you the best in helping move Sturtevant forward.
Stu,you rock!! You know you have support! I've always have been impressed by your stance in Sturtevant. Good luck to you,my friend!
So... You've chosen to become one of "them?" J/K, Best of luck Stu!
I'm looking forward to one heck of a good Friday night video. I've been missing you and Jonesing for one...
Good luck! Your passion for Sturtevant should carry you far.
OMG, an Irregular running for office! Congratulations and good luck, Stu.
If Stu wins, I might run for mayor. Well, walk would be more like it. Actually, more like sit and complain a lot.
I should have run the word "irregular" in the release somewhere.
Your cheerleader reporting for duty, RW!! Too bad I'm in Mount Pleasant, but if I can help, let me know :) I don't discriminate between towns and villages, we're all neighbors!
Best of Luck!!
Stu, you will shake up that board...I do know that. Thanks for standing up for the people...even those of us who are living in other states recognize the need for some fresh blood in Sturtevant. I would vote for you if I could...but, as I told you, there are laws against that!
Sturtevant...isn't that a suburb of Franksville?
You go Stu...best of luck!
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