These are electrical heaters manufactured in China. Obviously, the Amish have nothing to do with electricity or this product, but the Journal Times, Parade Magazine, and who knows how many other publications continue to run this scam advertisement. Just Google Amish heaters scam to get the facts: $400 for a "free" HEAT SURGE® (i.e., electric) space heater. (As I typed "Amish heaters" into Google's search field, it auto-filled "scam" - lol.)
Or you can buy one at Wal-Mart for $25.
A full page ad of lies, lies, and more lies brought to you by the newspaper of record in Racine county.
You can add the Daily Oklahoman to this one too Orbs. I've seen this ad a number of times.
Why Orbs, I'm shocked that you believe that our hometown paper would show a lack of jounalistic integrity. Seriously, they should really do a little fact checking before pocketing the advertising dollars.
And both papers here in Port Charlotte, along with USA Today.
The Journal Times often runs articles warning readers about telephone and door-to-door scams. The people running those scams should take heed and learn to advertise with the Journal Times first, then their scams would be OK.
Our papers also ran an article about it, but yet takes the ads. Guess they all operate the same.
Was the ad in the Journal Times proper or just Parade magazine? The JT does not have control over Parade and the contract usually says they have to use the magazine "as is" including ads. If the ad was in the JT proper, then rake them over the coals.
The competing magazine insert, USA Today weekend, had an article under the science heading a couple of years ago when Pluto was demoted from planethood. Why would I object? Because the entire article was about how this would affect your frakkin' horoscope! Let's just say I didn't hold back when I wrote them about that one!
How many papers do Lee Enterprise own? Any of these? The money is far more important than the content... C'mon, you haven't forgotten that they were only interested in us and our comments when it brought in hits for their advertising revenues.
The ad posted is from yesterday's Journal Times. It has run numerous times. I usually don't pay attention to this garbage, but I'm getting so sick of reading the Journal Times' pompous editorials and moralizing while they do any and every thing they can to make a buck, no matter what it does to the community that they supposedly serve. They mouth platitudes and poesy out of one end while crapping all over us out of the other. They're not from Racine, they don't live in Racine, and they don't give a damn about Racine. F them.
Saw them on a late night infomercial .
One of our news stations has a segment called "In Your Corner" where a reporter goes out and hears a complaint and tries to help.
Last night it was about this so called heater.
The insides are made in China and the company states the cabinet is made by the Amish. I'm not an expert but I can pretty much tell you the Amish did not make this plastic garbage.
The ads are an insult to the Amish.
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