Sometimes you have to be responsible and do the right thing. Such was the case when I grounded myself from driving. The legs had gotten too screwed with this progressive crap of mine aand I was becoming unsafe. While others go forward and damn the consequences, I'm big on self responsibility.
Today we installed a set of hand controls someone on the Net tossed my way. It's good to have Bikers helping bikers in the world. My buddy John spent the last four hours on his knees leaning into the car and the end result is a high quality (albet old and with peeling chrome) set of hand controls installed in my car. After three trips around te block, all I can say is YEE HAAAAA. This set is built like a tank so any small amount of dirt and peeling chrome is minor spuds indeed.
Time for some 409 and a rag, and I'll be like down town.
Stay Ahead of Your Health: The Power of Preventative Care
28 minutes ago