Saturday, November 1, 2008
Letting It All Hang Out For Democracy
Any decision has been put off until after 2010, but it looks like nude voting is legal in Florida if the county gives the go ahead.
I don't need to know how excited you are for your candidate or to see whose polls are rising!
Something to Ponder
At this point, I really don't give a shit who you vote for, or if you are going to do it legally or illegally, or even if you vote at all. But remember this, there are many, young, old, men, women, alive and dead who spent part of their lives in hell to allow you to make that decision.
Daylight Savings Time Screw Up Arizona Too!
First, a lot of electronic devices automatically adjust for daylight savings time now. I have to go around twice a year and un-adjust the clocks!
Then there is television. NFL early games had been starting at 10:00am...starting tomorrow, they begin at 11:00am. Regular prime time network schedules do not change. However, I get the east coast feed on my Directv so ALL cable shows suddenly have their start time moved an hour later! Fortunately, the DVR records at the new times, so I only have to worry about shows I might watch live.
Finally, I have to remember the change when I call friends and families in other time zones.
So set your clocks back tonight, but don't envy us Arizonans!
Recovered drawings from Lizardmom’s BIG bus trip.
Well...unbeknown to her I snagged up her drawings when we where cleaning the bus! I thought now would be a good time to share them with the rest of the group!

What happened to Halloween?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Yogi Berra-isms
If you heard any others, or have some of your own, here's the place to share them. Here's a couple to start:
"Things will get better if they don't get worse first."
"If you're going to count your chickens before they hatch, you'd better count the eggs too."
An yours is......
A Trick or Treat Treat: The Moon and Venus
However, knowing weather in Wisconsin, I would check them out tonight since the forecast is for clear skies!
It's beginning to look a lot like Festivus

Just for grins - I had to check Google
The Master Crayola Artist. Don Marco was born in Northern Minnesota in the late 1920's. .... The first email today comes from Mr. Logjam, who writes: - 273k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
JT IRREGULARS: Talk About Crayons on the Bus...Check This Guy Out
Oct 29, 2008 ... Don Marco..... The Master Crayola Artist. Don Marco was born in Northern Minnesota in the late 1920's.His interest in art was evident even - 6 hours ago - Similar pages - Note thisMore results from »
Hubble Rises From the Ashes as Phoenix Fades
This pair of galaxies is known as Arp 147 (from Halton Arp's list of peculiar galaxies) and has been dubbed the Perfect 10. The galaxy on the left seems to have just plowed through the middle of the galaxy on the right setting off a round of star formation (massive young stars tend to be nice and blue like you see in the ring).
On a sad note, the Phoenix Mars Lander entered safe mode due to low power. It is heading toward winter in the northern hemisphere on Mars and the lander is getting less power (possibly compounded by dust building up on the soalr panels). They are shutting down various heaters on it and other instruments to save power and keep it going as long as possible. We knew this was coming. Soon the Sun will set for the long winter. Snow will probably build up on the solar panels and break them so no one really expects it to wake up again in the spring. It has been a good mission, achieved all its goals and a few bonuses, and has lasted longer than its original 90 day mission.
Phoenix has served us well.
Reprinted with permission form the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
ExxonMobil posts biggest quarterly profit ever, $14.8 billion
In other news, Congress reported today that they still can't figure out why retail gasoline prices rose so high in recent years or where the money is going.
"The free market is a funny thing," snorted Senator Pocketstuffed, "especially when it ain't free."
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Chesire Cat Gravitational Lens
I just found this gravitational lens from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey which has been dubbed the Chesire Cat.
Hopefully you can see the eyes and the smile near the center of the image.
The two eyes of the cat are two massive elliptical galaxies about 4.5 billion light years away. These galaxies are bending and distorting the light of more distant galaxies (at least two different galaxies have been identified) to form the smile. These more distant galaxies are about 8 billion light years away.
Gravitational lensing is one of those weird things predicted by Einstein. He said that a massive object (say a galaxy) could warp space. Light from a more distant object would follow this strangely curved space time and creates all kinds of interesting patterns such as arcs, crosses and circles.
Gravitational lenses are useful for mapping dark matter. By looking at the pattern we see, we can calculate how much matter is present and how it is distributed. We can also look at the matter we see and conclude that what we don't see is, well, dark matter!
You can see the Chesire Cat and a bunch of other gravitaitonal lenses from the SDSS at at the CASSOWARY Graviational Lens page.Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.
Death From the Podcasts
First up is an interview with my friend Pamela Gay at Astronomy Cast. You can hear him talk a lot about the topics in the books. This podcast is free to download or you can listen streaming.
Next stop is an interview on the Skeptics Guide to the Universe. This one is in my mp3 player now, waiting to be listened to. I have been listening to this podcast for a while so I have no problem giving it the recommendation.
Some people say they will wait for the movie of the I guess we wait for the podcast!
Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.
Talk About Crayons on the Bus...Check This Guy Out

“Mr. Crayola”
A Translation of Joe Cocker at Woodstock
Dear Madame Zoltar
The first email today comes from Mr. Logjam, who writes:
With Halloween coming up, I am in need of your vision into the mystic. Looking forward into my past, is my younger self going to get the good candy this year Trick or Treating or am I doomed to a bag full of Tootsie Rolls like in the past?
My gratitude to you is as always.
Dear Logjam,
Your query brought a tear to my eye. Looking forward into your past, I was filled with melancholy at the prospect of young Logjam facing another Halloween with nothing but little logs of hard, stale, chocolate taffy to show for it. Therefore, I did something that I rarely do; I altered the space-time continuum. Oh, don’t worry, not by much. Just enough to give young Logjam a Halloween filled with Hershey bars and Three Musketeers bars and Snickers and Milky Ways and gobs of other goodies this year. Please let us know how the memory feels as soon as you receive it, Mr. Logjam.
P.S. To all of you: messing with the s-t continuum usually has some side effects like people and/or other forms of life suddenly fading into and/or out of existence in the present. And buildings. And maybe a few other things. And history is changed. You’ll get used to it. Or dematerialize. You should check out who is running for president now!
The second email today comes from a “Ms Awa Dominic,” who has a familiar way of saying things:
Hello Dear,
In the galaxy where all is beauty i fine it necessary to approach your Platform these way, well i apologies if my mode of contacting you will any way offend you,as well pardon me for the inconvenient it will take you in listen to my magistrate,i got your contact when i was searching for business partner,one fact to know is that, the essential sadness is to pass through life without experience, yet is also sad to pass through life without sharing once experience and weakness to others,if this is true of me.
I am Ms Awa Dominic, From Sudan,my mother die when she was giving berth to me,and my father Mr Dominic Dim Deng,is a military delegate whom die in the recent plane crash, see the web I am residing is Senegal since the war of Sudan,I want you to assist me retrieve my late father sizable asset , so that i come over to your country for investment.Thank for your anticipation.
Dear “Ms Awa Dominic,”
Or should I call you Stella the Stargazer? Or Andrea the Mystic? Or whatever other names that you, Shirley Deister, of Brookfield, IL, are going by now? I recognize that “Awa Dominic” alias from Cook County jail over 20 years ago. Shirley, I knew that you were low, but I never thought you’d stoop to email scams. This is my territory, so hit the road, “Dear,” and take that flakey assistant of yours, Thomas P. O’Dea, with you! If I'm lucky, you both dematerialized after you sent me that spam.
I have more online tricks and treats for you this week:
Try out Ben & Jerry’s Halloween Experience.
Be sure to visit BlackDog’s Halloween Party.
Check out
And my personal favorite, Halloween with Boowa & Kwala.
Finally, my friends, I just have to put in a good word for the Burlington Vortex Conference this weekend. (Journal Times story here.) My booth will be the one with the flashing neon JTI sign. I hope to see you there.
Don’t forget to email your questions and comments, phantoms and apparitions, possessionss and visitations to: Have a haunted week.
Dosvidanya, dears.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
"Don't Turn Your Back, don't look away, and don't blink. Good luck!"
For the unititated, Doctor Who follows the adventures of a Time Lord known as the Doctor. It first aired on the BBC in 1963 and kept going until the late 1980's. It was recently revived and reimagined by the BBC.
Blink starts with young woman named Sally Sparrow exploring an old mansion. She finds a message with her name on it under some old wallpaper telling her to duck. She duck just as a rock passes over her head. She returns to the site with Kathy, a friend of Sally's. Kathy disappears. Sally instantly meets a young man who claims to be Kathy's grandson with a letter for her. And thus begins the mystery.
This is a classic horror story. You never see the monsters...they are always just out of sight, waiting for you to look away...or even blink. Only two people die in the episode, no blood or gore, but the story is written so you care about these characters which gives their passing more impact.
Fans of Back to the Future will recognize lots of the same time travel paradoxes played with here. The creepy ending will leave you jumpy the next time you see a gargoyle.
So rent this for a good scare this week...and whatever you do, don't turn you back, don't look away, and don't blink!
From your coordinator -little, managable, irregular, minor glitch..

Please answer the following so we can get something in the works,
Question #1 - How does a bowling/darts/pizza night sound?
Question #2 - When are you guys available?
Check your emails, you should have one
with the alternative dates,
Please let me know what works and what doesn't.
(At Paradise West on Hy 20)
Input? What works for you? Does this sound like a decent plan?
Any questions, please email me at
Monday, October 27, 2008
BRRRR... Frozen Monday OPEN BLOG!!!

Last week was a very long week with tragedies to start the week,
the reality of it all didn't hit me until this morning,
between that, and the cold, and the very fact that it's
How about we start this week with some good humor,
So what do you have to help this week start out better???
SER, I know you have plenty, lets get the giggles going!