Our esteemed Mayor has been arrested for solicitation of a minor. What a town we live in....
UPDATE: According to JSONLINE, there will be a news conference at 10AM.
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
I keep telling everryone, it's the water. I swear that it's the lead laterals that feed the older houses, it does something to people in this city...
The article states "multiple felonies". As is typical with the RJT, the report is weak and doesn't spell out all of the charges.
Oh boy...go at it, Orbs...come on, let him have it! Double dare ya!
Orbs, if it was the water, then there would be something wrong with you. Wait...um...uh...never mind.
I wanted to post "Party on" on the Journal Times sire, but even I am not that insensitive.
I am flabbergasted. I don't know what else to say.
I gotta take mom to a doctor's appointment. After that, I'm riveted to the web today.
News spreads quickly. A fellow collegue just stepped into my office and notified me of this. Unreal. Solicitation of a minor? The world is really going to hell. Even people in high places think the laws don't pertain to them.
Maybe they need to take another look at that sexual harassment suit where he was called on to testify in and him and his buddies clever lawyers got dismissed.
Great minds think alike, KK. That was my first thought after the initial shock. I am sitting here wondering what the other "multiple" counts were.
I always thought Becker was a scumbag, but a child molesting internet sting scumbag? Never would have thunk it.This should get interesting. Looks like Racine will be having a mayoral election in the spring.
Orbs... I'll post it for you.... I havent been banned in a while.
Judges in Racine should be next. Years ago, we had a juvenile judge who cruised the North Beach lake bank at night looking for young tail (this was pre-internet). I stood before that bastard both in his court and on the lake bank.
I've met a number like this over the years in positions of power in Racine. Then people say I'm "cynical." Hard not to be when a priest or judge is groping for your genitals.
Wow. All I can say is wow. I can't believe this turn of events. I wonder what the other charges might be. ??
Like I said on the RJT site, I could see DUI or drug charges but this is so damn sick. I can't even be happy about him being in jail due to the circumstances.
Yeah, I agree. I could gloat if he was caught taking a bribe or something, but this is just sick.
I assume the multiple charges are the usual they heap on so that the DA can whittle it down in a plea bargain.
Mom cancelled her doctor appointment - I can blog all day.
Some people out there consider kiddie porn "art". For the record, I am not one of them.
If the mayor had been issued a disorderly conduct citation by a beat cop somewhere, I'd say that we should wait and see. As it is, he should resign immediately to spare the city the ordeal of a scandal dragging through the courts. Racine has more than enough problems to deal with already. I wonder if he'll have the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing?
I agree with your, Orbs. This is a scandal that is only going to harm the city of Racine. Racine is already fighting for any type of a plus for its city and now to be hit with this...
This just turned my stomach. I am just wondering, however, if it was a sting and, if so, how long he had been under suspicion for this type of behavior.
Any more info coming from the local stations up there?
There is supposed to be a news conference at 10 AM. Guess we'll find out more then.
Hey, BeeJay, there will be a news confrence at 10am local time at City Hall.
I'm listening to WRJN for the first time in decades. Whoever is broadcasting is a big fan of the mayor and keeps making excuses for him. Keeps saying the mayor is "a good citizen" and did free dry cleaning for some childrens' program. Keeps saying he did it for "no charge." I guess that makes perversion OK.
Denial has always been a major problem in Racine. The powers that be do not care who is damaged or destroyed in their refusal to clean house.
Oh, you can't call WRJN with "dopey calls," wtf that means? What loons.
Now the yahoo is broadcasting about how "lonely" it must be for Mayor Becker in jail.
No mention yet of how lonely it is to be molested.
Press conference started late, Beejay. So far they're just talking about the succession of power in the mayor's absence and assuring residents that city duties will continue to be fulfilled.
RW's comment on the RJT site was "Deleted by JT Staff". Way to go, RW!
From the news conference: RPD received a complaint several weeks ago. They turned it over to the Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigations. At this point, investigation and paperwork have not been completed, so no official word yet on the criminal charges, or what they are exactly.
Which comment, AA? The "party on" one? LOL.
It's funny listening to the people sheepishly talk at the press conference. Burn in hell, liars!
Listening to Ben Hughes makes me want to poke my eyes with a stick.
Is he the one crying?
LMAO, I think so.
That's it. There was no news at the news conference.
I think we should start up a fund to make the Mayor's bail. Who will be the first to contribute?
I have soooo many things I want to say I would donate, but just can't. It's just not right.
I'll kick in 2 cents a day. At that rate, he should make bail in 8,250,000 days or around 22,602 years.
And I agree, Orbs. No news at the news conference except that there is some infant in need of attention.
It looks like the RJT story has reached it's limit of 125 comments because I tried to submit one, but it hasn't shown up.
The last comment was posted at 9:12AM. What a joke.
AA, there are 3 pages of comments. Last I checked there were 188.
I'd like to see the mugshot! LOL
Thanks, DA, I missed that.
I even posted on the Journal Times site. After all, this is a red letter day in Racine.
I think maybe DRC and/or J-Wax, RAMAC should bail out their good old boy.
In looking at another site, there is speculation that due to the agency that was involved with the arrest, that he was picked up after communication via the internet with agents, thinking he was speaking to a juvenile... the dreaded "Dateline" type of thing.
It was also speculated that some of the other charges probably included child porn on the computer, which is a felony, I'm pretty sure.
I wonder if this is his work computer? Not that it really matters, but was this "browsing" going on during working hours?
Let me use this opportunity to say... IF you have children, do NOT put a computer with internet connections into a bedroom. It should only be available where you can see the screen.... Then randomly get up and LOOK at the screen. That would include cell phones that can get on the internet too. There are major creeps out there looking for your children!!!
KK - I am hearing that it was a sting and was set-up via the net. I think the only other detail that everyone needs to find out yet id the purported age of the child. I think that will make a big difference in this whole situation.
Thanks for the update(s), guys. Crying at a news conference? How lonely he is? Who cares about such drivel...if this is true, he will wish for loneliness in the near future!
KK, you are sooooo right. The internet has become an expressway for these creeps to try to hook up with children.
I know dateline films these stings, but anyone remember the name of the organization that poses as children in order to net these assholes? Childwatch? Something like that?
Anyone check out this site yet?
Beejay, there was a crying infant in the background through the entire news conference. What idiot brought their kid to this kind of news conference is beyond me.
There was literally a baby crying through most of the press conference.
Kcin97, I just saw a link to that site on the Journal Times site. I don't know who they are, but we'll add them to our local news links here.
I just checked it out a little - it seems okay, there doesn't seem to be any RJT censorship and I also noticed Drewzepmeister is a subscriber to the site, so it can't be too bad!
What's the story behind the blogger meeting with the Mayor?
Perverted Justice is the name of the organization that Dateline used. They were monitored and supported by the local police. They were used because they know the 'lingo' to use when chatting, like POS. (parent over shoulder)
An infant at this news conference...what the ????? Oh boy...the mentality of some people.
Ooooh, are we going to talk about the Bloggers' Meeting with the Mayor....
Orbs, deep breaths now, deep breaths, then let loose!
FYI, Becker's mug shot is up on the RJT.
I just saw the mugshot on TMJ4 news at noon. He had a tight lipped look that could only be described as "I'm screwed".
Kcin97, a pedo priest tried his shit on me when I attended St. Cat's High School. Of course, back then everything was hushed up, and you were threatened if you dared to speak up. Actually, it's not much different today. Anyway, I've always had a problem with the loving Dominican Sisters since then because they aided and abetted the pervert. (All the while, of course, preaching about love, truth, charity, etc., etc.) One of the people yakking away a storm at the mayor's meet turned out to be a Dominican, full of the usual horseshit about love, truth, charity, etc. I took issue with her lies and walked out. I'm sorry, but it literally makes my flesh creep to be near such hypocrisy and evil. It had nothing to do directly with the mayor.
If the president of the United States steps down, then the Vice President finishes his term. Who is next in line for the Mayor’s position here in Racine?
Beejay, you know, I've kinda lost interest in ragging on the mayor since we started this site. Absolutely NO ONE in any position of power in Racine, Wisconsin is the least bit interested in the truth in any shape, manner, or form whatsoever. It is anathema to them. like kryptonite to Superman. I used to go to the police station and complain about crap, call the alderman, write letters, yadda, yadda, all the stuff that a good citizen is supposed to do. It doesn't matter in Racine - it is ALL lies. The moneyed powers run this place and NEVER forget it. In the face of such absurdity, I can only respond with absurdity. Thus my spamming, sarcastic persona. I'm tired of rising to the bait that cons and thieves who wear suits dangle before the populace. I am not joking when I suggest a bullet to the head for many of these bastards. They are the sickness that pervades our country, their greed and self-seeking are monstrous and grotesque, and I can no longer deal with it in a rational manner. At this point, I really don't give a damn that our mayor is a child molester. It is not the least bit surprising that a city as full of lies as this one elects such a liar as its leader. I only pray that he was caught before he ruined someone else's life.
Again, in the face of such monumental incongruity and hypocrisy and sham and filth and lies, I can only respond with nonsense. If I took it seriously, I'd be in the psychiatric ward or putting a bullet into my own head.
Ive learned, orbs, that those who deserve a bullet usually fire it off for themselves when left to their own accord. I would say that if this all plays out as it probably will... our fine mayor delivered a lethal shot.
I guess I answered my own question..
City Council President David Maack serving as acting mayor
WTF.......This drunkin butt hole runs our town and will be bailed out with our money...Is this why he agreed to the kiddy park down town? Was he eyeballing the kids playing in the fountain at Johnsons (now not allowed). This just makes me sick. My PC has 2 accounts on it one for me (no restictions) and one for the kids age 12 limit. I also have the PC in the living room where I'm over a shoulder all the time. I trust NO ONE with my kids........ Thanks for The updates They're awsome ORBS.......Yes I'm on the late show.......I was not ready for this news 1st thing..................again....frickin WOW........
Orbs, my feeling is that he has been caught...but how long has this been going on? How many kids have been damaged by this creep...yeah, innocent until proven guilty. Problem is there would never have been an arrest if they didn't have a ton of evidence.
This is where we need a death sentence (this coming from me who does not usually support capital punishment!) When it involves kids, it's a whole new ballgame for me.
They updated the JT story.
Becker was taken into custody on charges of child enticement, possession of child pornography, exposing a child to harmful materials, attempted second-degree sexual assault of a child, use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime and misconduct in public office, according to a press release sent out by the state department.
I've been busy at work today and haven't really been paying attention to the news. Did I miss anything important?
I have to second the comments about expecting a DUI. I'm guessing by the fact he was arrested at the mall, he was there for a "meet".
I'm so glad I'm not in Racine anymore.
Orbs, I completely agree with you about the Racine Dominicans. That is one messed up group of hypocritical crazies. Was the Dominican at the meet and greet with the mayor Ann by any chance?
You got a governor that is accused of trying to sell a senate seat. A Wisconsin assembly man arrested for his 3rd DWI and pot posession. Congressman boinking interns. Presidents getting BJs in the oval office. Candidates getting sweetheart land deals for their home. And now a mayor charged with kiddie porn. No wonder government at all levels has lost the confidence of the people! At one time, elected officials were held in high esteem. Their character was above board for which they earned the public trust. Now it is becoming nothing but a f*^%king joke. But the fault dear Brutus isn't in the stars but with us because we keep electing these clowns.
HMO2, I believe her name was Ann. She spewed the typical "it's all society's fault" nonsense.
Logjam, Shakespere was correct, the faulty lies in ourselves. We keep electing these idiots, so we get what we pay for. Can't wait to see what's in store for the people of Minnesota for electing a damn comedian (and a poor one at that) as their Senator.
Let's speculate: Who's going to run for Mayor?
C'mon Orbs, throw your pipe into the ring!
I've been thinking about running on the bullet-in-the-head ticket. If anyone in my administration is caught lying, I will put a bullet in his/her head. If I'm caught lying, everyone in the city can take turns putting a bullet in my head.
My term will be short, but sweet.
AA - I am sticking with Van Wanggaard. I got a little beat up about him on the RJT, but no big surprise there. I am dead serious about him. I have known him personally for a very long time and he is good shit. He is the real deal and a fantastic father. He truly does care about the city and what he can do to help it strive.
I am pretty far to the right politically, but like Orbs I too am so damn sick of politicians.
That being said, I would not hesitate to help Van out in any way possible, anytime.
Kcin -
I'm with you on Van. I've known him for over 15 years, ever since he was still a TI with RPD. I've known both his kids, who I hope are doing well. I don't understand all the politics in Racine, but I really don't understand why people are against him on the JT boards. I've never seen anything except an honest person. I don't live in Racine anymore, but I would vote for him if I did.
When I got home from work I was shocked to see this. Wow,it took a while for me to reel it in. And this is the man that was elected our mayor? My God.
A new chapter unfolds in Beckergate. Remember Tingle? Now this. Too many coincidences. The art projects,the fountain,high crime rate and let's not forget the sand at the Monument Square. At the blogger meet,I knew he was out of touch with reality. Or was it too many martinis?
How can we trust him with our city when we now can't trust him with children? Hope he resigns.
Orbs: That goof you talk about on WRJN is Don Rosen. He is THE biggest Becker mouthpiece this city has. Call him on his radio show tomorrow and give him hell! He thinks Becker's shit doesn't stink.
Becker posted bail.
I saw that drew. I figured it wouldn't take long. They must not figure him to be a flight risk. This is such terrible stuff...
This is just plain sick. I keep thinking about his kids....I hope the media leaves them alone.
Orbs, I was thinking about asking you to run for office. You have all your ducks in a row! Where did that saying come from???
Anyway, you seem to have it all together. All of the population of Racine needs to be represented. And I think you of all people see the big picture.
Wonder where I can register to vote and what name to use???? Whose picture ID do I use? Oh the pain of it all. And who will drive me around to vote at all the polls???
Guys, keep me up to date on this saga as it continues to embarrass the city.
How may kids does he have and how old are they?
He has two daughters, I think, but I'm not sure of that or their ages.
I'm surprised by how much this has affected me. I mean, it's more or less consumed my day. I had to run errands, but otherwise it's been "the mayor, the mayor." Talked to some friends from Milwaukee by phone. I purposely took a break for awhile.
Stunned is what comes to mind. I get the feeling that the whole city is in shock.
Beejay, if I'm elected mayor, I'm hiring an administrator to oversee the city administrator. Then I'm going on vacation for a couple of years.
Orbs, sounds like a plan!
I don't see too many more Blogger meetings in the future with Gary.
Blogger meeting? No, I'll never shake his hand again. Last night, I soaked my hand in alcohol just thinking about the last time I shook his hand. ugh!
I woke still thinking about the mayor. Jeez....
So he was caught by taking a personal computer to the IT people or someone in City Hall for repair, and they found incriminating evidence and turned it over to RPD, who notified the state. The state investigated, set up a sting, and Becker fell for it, thinking he was meeting with a teenage girl.
So not only is he a perv, but he's stupid, or incredibly arrogant, or both. All the stories that I've read point out that it is widely known that the state conducts these stings. And to take a computer containing questionable material in to work and ask someone to take a look at it? Dumb, dumber, dumbest.
I wonder if he'll do the honorable thing and resign, or drag this mess out? When I talked to a buddy about this last night, he said, "There is no honor anymore. You're thinking about the past."
Van is a good guy, I am not sure where the bashing is coming from either but I do know that these people obviously do NOT know him.
His kids are doing great. Both are married now. His daughter is a teacher and his son graduated from a school in MN with a degree in theology. I believe he wants to become a pastor. It really makes me angry with some of the garbage some people were saying about him, but it comes with the territory when you are in politics.
To make matters worse for GB's family, a person close to the situation told me that his wife was let go from her job on Tuesday - the same day all of this sick crap went down. Talk about a double shot of shittyness in one day.
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