I have some issues. I am very conservative biased. I am cynical as well. I have issues with just about everyone on the left, and it annoys Mrs. Wacko. (God Bless her for putting up with me and my issues) I talk to the TV. I call Nancy Pelosi “Evil”. I think Ted Kennedy should be in jail for murder. I think Nixon got screwed. I believe Bush 43 has faults, but he tried, and heaven help us if Algore had been President after 9/11.
President Obama still scares the crap out of me. I still feel that he lacks experience to run the country, and the fact that he is bringing in so many Clintonistas to the White House is discouraging. All the change he promised during the campaign are things he cannot do or pay for and a lot will have to be scaled back.
That being said, I am proud of our country that we have a peaceful, safe, and bloodless transfer of power every four or 8 years. It is one of the things that makes us unique and fills me with pride. I also understand the significance of a mixed race president. We have come along way as a country.
I wish I could get over this funk I am in and be joyful with the millions in the capitol today. My employer (Obama supporters) told people that they could take an hour to watch the coverage. I went back to work. If McCain was on the stand today that announcement would not have been made.
President Obama, please remember that 44% of Americans did not support you. We are Americans too, and while prideful about our country, don’t forget about us. You cant bring about “Change” alone no matter what Nancy Pelosi tries to tell you or what rules she changes without us. Remember the 44% Mr. President. Work with us. Listen to us. Don’t be polarizing. If you truly believe that you can make America better, be sure your making it better for all Americans, not just the ones that voted for you. God Bless you on this day and God Bless America.
PS: I am not trying to piss off our resident liberals, so dont start attacking me.
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
Some of what you say is true our resident conservative, but we still love ya.
I don't think you have to be one way or the other. You said it yourself...we peacefully watch democrats and republicans share the head of state. That is what makes our country so great.
I am hopeful that good comes from this. So much has been shaking us down lately. And as much as you may disagree with one thing or another, both sides have their say in congress and we temper ourselves.
Cheer up stu. From those of us who felt your same pain the last eight years, four years will be over before you know it.
I congratulate President Obama on his day, and truly wish him well. And like Stu, I did not support him either. Stu is right about the 44%. I hope the President will hear those voices, and make sound judgements as such. I hear all the calls for unity and bipartisanship, but were was that this day 8 years ago? President Bush hadn't even dropped his hand from taking the oath when people of the opposition were already attacking him, calling him an idiot and a nazi. I will support the president when he acts in what I believe is right. And rake him over the coals when he is wrong. But just because I will not agree with everything his does, please don't stoop so low as to call me a racist. I did not vote against him because of his skin color, but rather because of his philosophy. I was encouraged to see that on a few issues he is already starting to stand up to Nancy Pelosi. Will he have the gonads to maintain that posture, or will he knuckle down and end up as a puppet on a string for the Reid/Pelosi congress? Only time will tell.
I would be amiss and dishonest though if I didn't say this: I too embrace the Hope and Change from this day. I Hope that 4 years from now, there will be a Change of the person taking the oath of office.
Okay, Stu, deep breaths...deep breaths.
I keep repeating this mantra a lot lately. Deep breaths!
I think there is reason to hope that Obama does better. He has nominated a couple of Republicans to his cabinet. Obama also met with McCain over the weekend about how they can work together on legislation in the Senate. I know there is a lot more to do to really win over and convince a lot of people on the other side (and he will never win over everybody), but its not a bad start.
I also think Obama had to bring in quite a few people from the Clinton administration. Both Carter and Clinton tried to bring in totally fresh slates and those two transitions are regarded as being very poorly handled since they were all neophytes. For better and for worse, most of the Democrats with the necessary experience to pull off a smooth transition have Clinton connections.
I have my own concerns about what may happen. Obama has a real minefield to navigate in his own party. I believe he is well intentioned, but there are a lot of people who have been out of power for a long time that want changes made. It simply comes down to him not being able to do everything at once and choosing battles wisely (something Clinton didn't do well in his first term).
And you have a good point, Logjam. Part of what he needs to do is stand up to those who try to get him off track, even if they happen to be members of his own party. Overreaching can get you into trouble as Clinton found out in the 1994 elections and Bush found out in 2006.
Oh, and I personally was happy that he finally included my religious persuasion in a speech.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."
Nonbelievers? In an inaugural speech? Wow! I know it's small in the grand scheme of things, but is appreciated.
I'm going to get some beer and watch the 9:00 news. Everytime they say history or historic, I'll take a drink.
Wanna bet I'm drunk at 9:08?
JAK, take deep swigs, deep swigs...you'll be gone by 9:01!
I think the offer was not just because your employers are Libs. Back in grade school in the early 60s, every rocket launch was eventful. I remember the first. Mercury. What happened today was historical. It was an event that may someday be repeated, but for us, it was a first. I'd like to think that if McCain had been black, your liberal employers would have made the same offer. Momentous event for sure.
As for Bush Trying after 9/11... Didn't he take a protracted vacation? We will never know how Al would have done it, and no one is Madam Mme but she.
I mean this in a nice way. Please get over it. Yes, 44%, yes. But you're sounding like a cup half empty guy, not a cup half full.
Logjam... Yeah I remember how Bush was attacked when he took his oath on that "special" very old Mason bible. I hadn't said boo until that day and when I saw how far he was taking his religion, it scared the crap out of me. He didn't disappoint my dread either.
I promise to not call you a racist. Can I call you a damned Conservative? :-)
On the racists. They are out there. Sadly some folks I've BBS'd with for years. They have no problem coming right out and calling him a nigger. They post FTN with impunity. It bothered me to do so,. but after nearly 10 years, I walked from that board. We can agree, and disagree, but lets always keep ourselves civil.
No Huck, you may not call me a damned conservative. But feel free to call me a conservative. Calling someone a damn conservative or f*cking liberal has done nothing to overcome the divide we have worked ourselves into. And if we ever really want to close that rift, both sides will have to show some kind of respect and tolerance for the individual and their position they may take. And I have gotten over my candidate loosing. I have taken off the McCain/Palin sticker off my car, unlike those that kept the Kerry/Edwards stickers on all the way into this past November. But "getting over it" doesn't mean giving up.
I walked into the polls wearing a blindfold. Republician or Democrat it didn't matter to me. There was so much mudslinging during the elections,I would have voted for Bugs Bunny and be done with that.
I'm non political.(Although I'm trying to change my ways by being more involved) As I see it,it's just another person in the White House. There seems to be a lot talk in politics and no action. And action is what we need. Can Obama do this? I'm looking at the glass half full and hoping for the best.
Good luck with that one, Jak!
Stu...do like a normal person
I don't like the Blue people, them bastards just piss me off!!
The talking heads have already started making Bush excuses for Obama.
I think no matter what happens, the likes of Move on and the Huffington Post, aided by the "mainstream" media, will blame Bush for every single thing that goes wrong in the Obama administration.
I knew the dream was over as soon as he started appointing Clinton administration people. He campaigned on a promise of change and specifically promised not to use Washington insiders. As soon as he was elected, he did just that. My jaw dropped to the floor. He wasn't even officially president yet....
If that is what he had to do to get things done, then he shouldn't have lied to us in the first place.
Lying is accepted, everyday parlance in all facets of American life now. It is the disease that destroys us and everyone promotes it.
I'm not kidding and I'm not joking. I don't believe anything he has to say anymore. The tolerance of lying HAS TO BE STOPPED.
Btw, I didn't vote for McCain.
Why in the world would you not watch the swearing in and hear what your new President had to say? I just find that stupid. To listen to him and say "I don't like him" is one thing - not to listen to him is another!
"Bush had faults but he tried..." He sure did have faults!!! Trying doesn't really count when you have so many lives in your hands. The guy is/was a fool - an emperor with no clothes.
What do you mean it is "unique" to have a bloodless transfer of power every 4 years. Who the hell do you compare yourself too? Canada, Britian, France, The Netherlands, Greece, Germany etc. etc. etc. all transfer power peacefully and honestly.
You ask your President to listen to you [as part of the minority] but you didn't listen to him and probably won't listen to him.
I can only say Thank God you are a Minority and congratulations to all those Americans who voted for Obama and I wish him well - for all our sakes!
A Canadian woman
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