The Journal Sentinel Online reports:
"Racine County child-care regulators turned over two cases to the district attorney's office on Tuesday for possible criminal fraud charges inside the Wisconsin Shares program.
"County Executive William McReynolds said the cases involve people described in the Journal Sentinel's recent investigative series 'Cashing in on Kids,' but he would not disclose names.
"While it's unclear exactly who the cases implicate, they do not include the child-care providers themselves, said Debra Jossart, director of the Racine County Human Services Department."
So, the four sisters get to keep the half-million dollars in taxpayer money given to them for babysitting their own children. I understand that one is buying a house with the money. It's a good time to be buying. I wonder if I can get the state to give me money for doing what I already should be doing? I feed myself and clean up after myself and clothe myself and everything. Where's my half-mil? :(
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57 minutes ago
When I tried to get help for my mom, I had to supply Human Services with detailed dossiers on all financial aspects of her life. They had to have copies and documents and verified, validated, certified paperwork. Her insurance company had to fax information to them. I had to bring in piles and piles of documents and records. It was like a tax audit from hell. And then they denied her anyway.
But the women receiving child care allowances only had to give a name of an employer (apparently nonexistent), with no address or phone number, and they were never checked.
Why is there a double standard at the Racine County Human Service Department?
Here's an interesting story, also from the JSOnline: State takes over county's public assistance programs . The state is now going to run Milwaukee's Human Service Department because of mismanagement. Is Racine next? Something has to be done to clean up the mess here because Mac obviously is not interested in doing it.
This yanks my chain too. How on earth can they get away with this?????
I'm doing the same thing for a medicaid application, orbs. Notarized paperwork, official copies of bank statements, all the running around town and phone calls to people who don't do their jobs right the first time.
The chasing down of old, old documents from home ownership, any certificates of stock or pension from my dad, any money that changed hands over the past 5 years, down to all gifts of anything over 100.00.
For what? So that medicade can pay for ridiculous overcharging at a sub-par crappy nursing home? Oh, by the way, they still skim away your house when you die.
Mom was $15 a month over the limit for Medicare Premium Assistance. So, because she and my father worked hard and paid into the system for decades, she actually receives less per month (after her Medicare premium is deducted), than someone who didn't pay in. They reward you for not working and punish you if you do. It's utterly insane, and we pay for it.
And, again, why does it take reports from Milwaukee to get anyone to look at Human Services here? Do people in public service jobs in Racine actually do anything besides cash paychecks?
My mom was executor of grandmas estate and when all was said and done mom owed big money even after the state took grandmas house (that her and grandpa built and owned for 40 years)It took me and my mom so much time to do all the running and paper work that we both almost lost our jobs(wheres our check for pain and suffering).....if I can get paid to watch my sisters kids WOW...........the money I'd have. Owning my own home is a dream of mine but that’s just it A DREAM! I always thought with hard work and saving it was possible but hell if I can get your tax money to buy one then why should I do the work…….I need to learn how to work the system better………..but then again how would I sleep at night?…………Karma is not a good thing when guilt is involved….they’ll get theirs…………will see a story about them loosing soon!
How about every time you get a check from our taxes we get to drug test you!??!.Alot of checks would stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, this really steams me...but why can't we know who these crooks are?
And, yes, always you have to provide everything under the sun, unless you live off the system.
Orbs and kk, I know only too well that some people work harder finding ways to cheat the system than if they got an actual job.
Oh, don't get me started....grrr, growl, snarl...
Probably not suprising, but most of the brain trust in Racine doesn't come up with these scams on their own. They hear about them from various socially oriented organizations that can be found in the City of Racine. All shall remain nameless to protect the guilty.
Ask someone who works at a bakery if they've ever had a "stale" cake returned half eaten. It is amazing what could be accomplished if this effort was expended for good.
JAK, you know of what you speak. I am trying to keep the steam inside my head.
Orbs and kk, I get so upset by this. It works the same way as ID theft. The thief does not have to prove he is you, but you need to jump through hoops to prove you are you!
Those of us who have worked hard all of our lives and paid into the system, we have to beg for a little morsel of all the money we have 'donated' to the system. There is something so wrong here and we need to get it fixed. Priority should be given to people who have paid into the system, not those who do not. Sorry folks, I do not have a sympathetic bone in my body for people such as those described in this article.
And when they are charged, our tax dollars, once again, will pay for their room and board (temporarily..until someone bails them out). Then since they have chosen to have children with no known form of income, we will be paying for those children's care.
When someone loses a job, they get unemployment for a period of time. Not so with the unemployed. There are programs that they can get into forever. Oh, you have to have a child under the age of 5? We can do that, can't we.
Didn't I tell you not to get me started!
People are having children so that they can hold them hostage to extort money from the state: "If you don't support me, this innocent child will not be cared for." What hogwash. People who have children that they cannot care for are child abusers. Their children should be taken from them and they should be prosecuted.
No one even bothers anymore to ask where the fathers of these children are. They are not even held accountable for the most basic of human obligations, but everyone else in the state is expected to support their irresponsibility.
OMG ORBS you are so on the money. NO deadbeat dads pay at all. DON’T GET ME STARTED!!!!!!!!!!.........I had my kids while we're divorced he still sees MY beautiful kids But pays's so easy for the dad to leave............don't they know the kids still love them?............I really believe in "GOD gives us our children" and I have a responsibility to take care of them...they are not and excuse to get more money for CRACK an BEER!
Deep breaths, deep breaths. All of us hardworking folks need to take deep breaths. I guess we are all on the same page with this issue, aren't we. It is so tiring to watch this go from generation to generation and believe me, I have seen it go from mother to daughter to daughter.
We can all blow a gasket and nothing will change. We will continue to do what is right and take care of our responsibilities. They will continue to find ways to work the system. You have to believe in some sort of evening factor, some type of Karma or you will go stark raving mad.
Thanks for listening to my belly aching. Sometimes it feels good to blow a lot of steam.
JSOnline now reports: Racine sheriff to check for fraud. Mac is smart. He dropped that kill the messenger stuff real quick and is on the bandwagon now. They are going to recommend that the state changes how it administers payments for childcare. Duh.
Duh is right. This is where our money goes...each and everyone of us who pays taxes are donating to situations such as this. GRRRRR.
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