I had the audacity to hope an intelligent president would lead with some sort of... well... intelligence. I'm losing hope that the change I hoped for is going to happen. I don't want a liberal president. I don't want a conservative president. I want a fucking intelligent president that doesn't walk into a asshat machine sometime after he is elected and before he is inaugurated. McCain was supposed to have been Bush with a twist, but I'm thinking that's what we got in the end anyway. The audacity of hope is becoming just that. Something too audacious to believe in.
What kind of asshat puts us a trillion deeper in debt (and no matter which one had won, this would have happened) goes on and says he's going to halve our dependence on others? I think I'm going t0o drop out of reading what's happening. Nothing I say or do or think is going to change a speck of where we are headed.
Poets laureate excited for the opportunity
3 hours ago
Politics is a machine and a kiss ass machine at that. Some of what Obama is saying is great. Some of it, probably not even possible.
Until we stop promoting stupid self centered things (pet projects and adding pork to bills) we are doing nothing but spinning our wheels.
Our country was in deep... totally out of whack with corruption and the criminal behavior of our banking industry to benefit only a few at the cost of the masses...
Something needed to be done to stop the slide. We can complain all we want but really all we can do is hope at this point that something he is attempting to do can make a difference.
Once the press decided it will rule the country, we no longer were a free people. Now we have media celebrities, not leaders.
He lost me as soon as the cabinet appointments started. He PROMISED not to do the Washington insider thing, and then that's exactly what he did.
They're all liars. Locally, too.
On a personal level, I get in way too deep if I dwell on this stuff. I had certain morals pounded into me as a child. No matter how hard I try now, I can't seem to dislodge them. I used to drink to distract myself from the insanity. Now I take pills that a shrink prescribes and mutter to myself a lot.
Blogging about the news only exacerbates the problem. The lies and distortions are in your face all the time then.
"Should [reformers] attempt more than the established habits of the people are ripe for, they may lose all and retard indefinitely the ultimate object of their aim." --Thomas Jefferson
Things like Becker being sent to treatment to "heal" while his child victims are left twisting in the wind just fry my shit. I want to talk to those kids, I want to tell them some things, but it will never happen. For all of the disgust and scorn heaped upon Becker and his crimes, the children he damaged will NEVER be "healed," because his "treatment" takes precedence. The public rehabilitation of a a politician is more important than the lives of our children.
THAT is the lesson I take from the corruption in Racine's politics and criminal justice system. THAT is the lesson I learned over 40 years ago in Racine. For all the pomp and bullshit and talk and blah, blah, blah, the same filth predominates today as it did decades ago. And still the politicians and lawyers gurgle and spittle out the lies to us.....
Back to the original topic, I can sypmpathize with you, Huck. That is the big thing that bothered me about the stimulus that passed (and the Republican alternative) is well, what next? Both exploded the deficit which was already high. I was hoping Obama was just trying to focus on one big thing at a time and we would hear more after the stimulus passed.
That process has started. He met with Republicans and Democrats and has pledged to cut the annual deficit in half by the end of his first term...using this year with all the bailouts and stimulus as a baseline. So even if he succeeds we are still looking at 500-600 billion a year deficits which would have been raising the ire of whatever the minority party is a few years ago. So my problem is that the current pledge barely gets us back to very bad...and these types of estimates frequently use notoriously optimistic projections of economic conditions to hit their numbers.
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