No, that's not a typo.
Wordle is a web site that will take text and make a picture out of it. The words are sized relative to how much they are used in the text. You can cut and paste text in there or you can enter an RSS feed. As you can guess, I entered the JTI RSS feed to create the following picutre.

I set it to eliminate what they call "common English words" which I assume is why words like "the" and "a" are nowhere to be seen. I am not sure how far back it goes into the RSS feed to create the image.
Based on the image, we don't have any words that stand out as being used a lot so we must have a nice diverse vocabulary amongst us!
I was just putzin around and found someone did Obama's Inaugural Address.
That's kinda neat Hale.
"Journal Times" jumps out at me in kk's Wordle. And why is that one link all alone at the bottom?
You can make your with the settings for colors and arrangements and see how it changes things. Just enter our RSS feed URL (or any RSS feed's URL) or any block of text.
I have too many firewalls... won't let me do anything. But it's pretty cool!
I just went through a massive trojan virus. I'm skeered of everything now!
That is really neat! Who used the word uncanny and JuJuBees? Was it in the same sentence? And why did Journal Times come out so big in the middle? Are we really obsessed or should I say possessed? I would have thought our url would have popped up in there somewhere?
Orbs, what do you mean by MY wordle? Did you do my blogspot page? Don't be associating me with those folks... ;>
I just did my blogspot page. This is so cool..... It is art that reflects you. I noticed my words are short, just like me. :(
Big things comes in small packages,kk:)
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