I think it's time to spice things up here...a new study published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives shows that states that are more conservative and religious also have higher rates of consumption of internet pornography (or at least are more likely to pay for it since the study is based on anonymous credit card receipts...guess liberals use Youporn or Xtube). Eight of the top 10 states for internet porn cast their lot with McCain in the 2008 election in terms of most subscriptions to porn sites among broadband internet users. Utah, Alaska and Missisippi come in as the top three (Hawaii is #4, so Obama girl must be active as well).
I will give a little creidt where it is due...they study also found that less online porn was consumed on Sundays, but people made up for it the rest of the week.
As for Wisconsin, they only listed the top 10 and bottom 10 and the Badger State made neither.
Guess it's true that The Internet is for Porn.
Poets laureate excited for the opportunity
3 hours ago
Why would anyone pay for internet porn when there is so much free stuff out there?
DEBUNKED: ABC's Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers
Sorry, Mark. That was a pretty pathetic debunking. They claim that the deciding factors were age, education, and location (urban vs rural). If the person who wrote this read the study and took (and understood) first year college sociology, that person would know that those variables were controlled for in this paper. So I call BS on that one.
The only valid issue raised was the pay versus free porn (which, again, if the author read the paper would see they admit was a potential flaw so it is hardly brilliant insight). The insinuation that somehow liberals "steal" porn is presented with no evidence. There are plenty of free, legal porn sites on the web.
So I call this "debunking" BS.
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