My cat, Charlie, was going crazy, running from window to window. Usually he acts like that when he spots another cat, or a dog. I looked out the window, and there was a chipmunk. They're regulars around here, but I don't see them in the winter like the birds and squirrels. Do these guys hibernate, migrate, or just appear out of nowhere in the spring?
Dem some mighty fine looking nuts in front of that chipmunk. Is it a Gopher or a chipmunk? We used to catch them in gallon milk bottles when we were kids. We stuck the bottle in one hole, and added water to the other. It worked every time. Sometimes they had to spit their nuts out to get out of the bottle. We were rotten kids. I admit I wouldn't do it now.
Nice pic, Orbs! I love wildlife photos. They're hard pics to take. Believe me,I've tried. By the time I get my camera ready and focused, they're gone.
To answer your question-In the winter chipmunks go through a state of torpor or temporary hibernation.
The little $#its dig their home in my brick flower box. They make such a mess, they actually dig and throw out the flowers, roots and all.
They may be cute, but by the end of the summer, I feel like Bill Murray, ready to start shooting the ground.
Hence the alternate name: Ground Squirrels. I have found lots of little holes around the yard and actually spotted one or two of these little guys coming out.
Drew, that was shot through two dirty panes of glass, while the critter was moving. I had everything on auto.
I go through some "torpor," too, in the winter, and gain about 50 pounds.
Regular squirrels like to dig up bulbs and corms, and deer eat tulip flowers, and rabbits eat everything. And skunks will tear up your lawn if it has grubs.
Spring? We are about to say goodbye to Wisconsin summer and hello to hell!
Seriously, its not that bad...I usually get away with a swamp cooler until late June/early July.
we just got some fresh snow dumped on us here, just as the other stuff was melting away and actually acting like spring. Sweden has to tear away any hope of spring.. BUT I will be in Racine soon so I hope to see those little critters myself soon. We live right by Island park (well actually the other side of the park called Lee Park) and I love watching the squirrels and chipmunks run around. Oooo I cant wait to see a Robin.
I'm looking outside at the trees which are either flowering or already have their leaves.
I'm also looking at rain coming down, oh wait, its ice.
Apparently winter isn't quite ready to let go yet. Yuk!
And Mary say's once again "Tell me again WHY did we move here"
The little bugger was in the garage today. When they run, their tails stand straight up.
My dog hates those little critters! We used to live out in the county and they were all over! They used to dig up my flowers, get in my veg garden ( plow up from underneath and eat the bottoms and insides out of my tomatoes ) grrrrr.
Torment my dog to no end. There was one that popped up out of a hole right in front of the window that had her chair on. oh gosh..... the sounds she made!
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