After reading a story the other day about a contest between god and the devil, I had a thought. Does your god do things half-assed? Folks say when ya go to hell, you suffer eternal damnation. Fiery pits, boiling sulpher, non-stop enduring agony. If this is the case, how do you get demons walking the earth? Did they get a pass for good behavior? If the demons do evil on earth, doesn't the fire and brimstone come back?
What I'm asking here is how can a creature that has been damned for eternity get time off from the promised damnation to do acts on earth? Logically it don't jive. You're either damned or you aren't. So, if your god damns something and the Devil lets em out, then the Devil can subvert god's orders. Again, the logic of all powerful don't pan out.
Just an atheist wondering how each religion manages to look past their own foibles while condemning all others.
Racine educator Anne Swanson dies after 50 years of service
51 minutes ago
I believe everyone should believe in something, whether it is a god, Buda, Obama or an ice cold beer. Beliefs (or religions) are not worth arguing or even discussing, especially if you have been drinking those ice cool beers!
Here ends the lesson.........
Why don't you contact a local pastor and ask him? I'm sure he can answer your questions if you pick someone from a reputable church. I'd recommend anyone from Grace Church, the local Assembly of God, or Racine Bible Church. The answers might surprise you, much better than asking people who probably don't have enough experience or genuine knowledge to provide you with the answers you seek (if you're truly interested).
It's the eternal, infernal problem of evil:
This has been argued for centuries. No resolution in sight.
I've learned that when you ask a really good question like that, huck, and then ask follow up questions to their reply.... (at least to those 'professionals' that I have seriously talked to) the final reply is, "that is what faith is all about."
And yep, how do you counter that? Either you have it or you don't.
Huck, I think you're watching too much TV. Can you site a single bible passage, church doctrine, or other writing that supports your assertion?
The New Testament states that, upon His ascension, Jesus was placed, by God, above all. That makes satan subservient to God and Jesus. Of couse, that's just a belief.
Sure AA, like this. You got wandering evil/benign spirits, a catholic church that claims heaven, hell, and purgatory, yet performs rights of possession. A spirit goes to heaven, hell, or purgatory, yet manages to escape and possess?
Nothing to do with TV, and sometimes even the Bible is hard pressed to explain what comes out of the mouths of christians as fact. Heck, folks (not all folks) that go to church believe in vampires, but condemn other religions. The Bible don't give vampires existence.
It isn't what the bible says, or what a mouth piece says, it's what the BODY of followers say and believe. And yet... As a whole the body points and pokes fingers at other religions that are just as (pardon) silly.
I'll never debate the power of Man for good or evil, but those come from the heart, not wandering wisps of protoplasm.
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