I don't know how many people here have dealt with or are dealing with the college application process right now. I am a former high school teacher (at private college prep schools) so I remember the multiple stresses, from college counselors, parents, friends and teachers, that students go through during the college admissions process. I wrote my share of recommendations for students. I also work for my college as an admissions rep...I do interviews with local students who are interested in the college, attend college fairs, etc.
So it was with great interest that I saw the Wall Street Journal challenged 10 College Presidents to write an admissions essay that met the guidelines for their colleges. You can read all their essays (look for the links on the left side of the page). Looking at the list of colleges (one of which I attended...bonus points if you can guess which one...I may have mentioned it on the blog before...two others were on my short list) is a who's who of small liberal arts colleges around the country. These colleges tend to place a heavier emphasis on the essays as they get a smaller number of applicants than the larger universities.
I remember applying to college and writing a couple of essays. I put them off until the last minute of course. I only applied to two colleges (the thought I should apply to safety schools in case I didn't get admitted never occurred to me...I just assumed I would be admitted wherever I applied...you can call it egotistical, naieve, or both). I had just done an illusion called Metamorphosis at our school's Swing Show so I tossed off a couple of pages on illusions (without revealing secrets, of course!)
So what's your experience with college essays...either yours or, if you have been through it with your children?
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49 minutes ago
Went through it with all three kids, not that long ago. The first two had theirs done early in anticipation. I was "granted the privilege" of reading them when they were complete. One allowed for editing, the other one didn't present it until it was sent... Most likely to disallow comments.
My third child, much more laid back, dawdled, and darn near gave me a stroke, but accomplished it just in time.
For myself? Way back when? Times were different, much less competition. No admissions essay, that I can remember. Didn't even need SAT or ACT scores. They were happy with my high school GPA and the pre placement exams. Pretty much if you had the cash... they were good with it.
p.s. I'll pick up those bonus pts. without blabbing the answers. Yes, hale, you have mentioned it before. You arrogant? pshaw! ;>
I didn't have to do an essay back in the Jurassic period, either. I remember doing PSAT, SAT, and I think ACT (though not sure). Once accepted/enrolled, they did placement tests and I tested into the upper levels of English and math (thank you St. Cat's - also didn't have to take any foreign language because of St. Cat's - when I compare that with today's HS graduates, I shudder).
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