I know we've done this before but I've got to re-live it as we may have some new ones.
I hate drivers that need to stop before a turn........happened to me again this morning and I'm still pissed off.........
Kids that miss the garbage can or the laundry basket.........
People collecting SSI for nothing......get your lazy ass to work!
People that walk into the street, they see you coming and walk slower......I speed up with a crazy look on my face..they move faster that way!!!!! 9 out of 10 times I get the finger....
I have about a million more but I don't wanna take any of yours.
Snow shoveling heart attack warning
3 hours ago
Don't even get me started - I'll be here all day.
Racine traffic is my biggest pet peeve. I lived in Chicago for 10 years and everyone who visited me remarked on the "terrible" Chicago traffic. Bah! Racine has more dunderhead drivers per capita than any other place I've been. And absolutely nobody here enforces traffic laws.
This one gross enough for you? Pee that does not land in the pot and then is not wiped clean by the offender.... ugh!
I travel A LOT. I never realized how many people don't bother selecting their seats ahead of time. Wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that they're flying with toddlers who have their own seat! Then you sit on the plane and wait for them to play musical chairs w/ other passengers so they can sit w/ their kids.
And yeah, ditto on the not getting me started on the driving in this city. Yesterday I was driving in the right lane approaching a stop sign when the car in the left lane (already at the stop sign) decided to make a right turn in front of me. IDIOT!!!
OMG kk, that one kills me - just as bad are the people that use the little paper seat covers and then leave them on the seat. They didn't want their ass to touch the seat but ok for you to have to touch the paper their butt was on???
Stupid people. I cannot stand them or talk to them or want to even deal with them. And there are a lot of them out there.
People that follow too close just drive me nuts. I had one guy who wasn't a car length behind me and we were doing 40. I could tell he was arguing with his girlfriend so I tapped on my brakes. He had to slam on his which was great. The look on his face was priceless. Made my day.
Mary, I was rear-ended by a tailgater last year. Of course, she had no insurance. When I see tailgaters now, I just pull over. I have to do this two or three times EVERY time that I drive in Racine.
KK that's one of mine too. My little guys won't lift the seat ( it landed on his junk once) so he gets it on the seat. EVERY time he does it I make him come in from WHAT EVER hes doing to wipe it up. He's getting better.
Abby, teach him to use the bathtub, a much bigger target.
Thanks ORBS but I'm thinking.........AHH NO!
And no more help from you!!! LOL
1. drivers that do not see pedestrians even when we have the right of way.
2. drivers that speed up when they do see us. rude, dangerous and truly asshole like behavior.
3. tailgaters, very common in Racine.
4. speeders passing on the right with no marked lane.
I could of course go on but i think the point is made. But then i do not expect much empathy from Racinians.
ANOM .....I was not talking about people in cross walks!!!!!!!!!
I was talking about j-walkers that see you then walk in front of you.....usally smart ass teenagers.
I would never do that to an elderly person,legally crossing the street.
People that think parking lots are the Indy 500. It just amazes me that in small parking lots people are doing 35 mph. Here at work we are on a corner so when people don't feel like waiting for the light, they just cut through here.
Or, have you ever noticed how many people don't pay attention when crossing the st. or parking lot.
I was leaving work the other day and its a good thing I was going slow as some lady came out between an SUV and small car and never bothered to look to see if someone was coming. Even though she was a pedestrian she would have hit me. I have got to learn how to blow the horn quicker.
When driving through the ghetto and having a group of kids run to block you, then slow waaay down or even stop. They move much quicker when you take it down a gear and floor it. Yes Anon, I've done that. No gang of punk thugs is going to stop my car in the middle of the street.
My Pet peeve are red light runners. It has gotten so you need to count to five or ten after a green light goes on, or you will pull in front of somebody. That dump truck on 31/MM last year for example. One of the worst places is 11/31 and the folks turning left from East bound 11 to north bound 31. Just about any intersection from 11 to Kinzy on 31. I'd love to see a crack down.
How about when someone takes the tape, the scissors, the letter opener or some other item you usually need quickly and in a pinch, they use it, then don't put it back in its place. I get so crabby when I have to spend time chasing down where it might be.
KK yup the sissors is a big one here..........
How about leaving an empty t.p roll on the roller? I've tried leaving it empty and my lazy ones will grab a new roll, use it and leave it on the sink!WTF!
People who leave their grocery carts in the middle of the isle.
People when they are checking out their groceries, wait until they are told the total, THEN pull out a checkbook and start writing.
People who use those little sticks to separate their groceries from yours. They jam their shit as close as possible, WTF, do you really think you are going to get checked out any faster?
People who go to a shopping mall walk through a door and stop. Get the F*^ k out of the way!
This one makes me the hottest!!!!
How about when you call a business and you get the press 1 for this, press 2 for that, press 3 for something else and none of it fits what you are after?
I always ask the customer service agent to repeat their name at the end of the conversation. I recap by repeating what they promised to do for me. I think it helps to make sure they do what they say they are going to do.
Top 10 things that irk me the most:
10: people talking on their cell phones while driving
9: people collecting SSI and dont need it- Get off your ass and get a job!
8. Old people with a lot of change at the grocery store $4.89 in dimes nickles and pennies- PLEASE
7: people who turn their cars in to the far lanes when turning left
6: idiots in general
5: people eho cut you off while driving
4: the prices of gas- just back from Florida- gas only $2.09 here almost 3 bucks
3: telemarketers
2: racism
SER, you are so right about people waiting until they get the total before writing the check. Or the ones at the fast food pay window are struggling to find the money.
Another one is people who go through the drive-thru at the bank that need to go inside. Back and forth they go while you wait behind. Meanwhile people who came 3 cars after you have come and gone.
And my number one gripe (right this minute) is people who don't take responsibility for their actions. We have been paying medical care for babies born to unwed mothers for how many years now? And now I found out that if you are obese and want the surgery to lose weight, if you are on assistance, we will pay for it?
That is complete and utter BS.
Meanwhile families whose insurance has run out because of a catastrophic illness are left with no options at all except to have thousands in medical bills that they have to pay.
People collecting SSI when there is nothing wrong with them pretty much tops my list...
SER, I have a theory that people who are rude with their shopping carts are the same with their vehicles.
Mary, I agree with you about some people in the drive-thru lane at the bank. I always say to myself, "They're applying for a mortgage."
A similar thing happens at the drive-up mailbox behind the Post Office in downtown Racine, on Lake Ave. Sometimes a car will pull up and it appears that the driver is looking for the letters or something. You wait and wait. I say to myself, "Just starting to write the letter, eh?"
1. people who do not speed up after turning
2. customers who hand their money to you all bunched/folded up
people who don't clean up after themselves
Turnabouts or turnarounds or whatever you call them. STUPID! Especially when you don't know they are there. ( had my first experience on the 38 one today)
My stupid neighbor that has a motorcycle, and announces to everyone when ever he comes, goes or takes it out. Even in his driveway.
Ahhhhh I could go on and on... but that was just today.
People who do not use their turn signals. People who run red lights to make the 'legal right turn on red.' Duh, the law says stop first, idiot!
Tailgaters. Brake riders....
People in those electric carts in the grocery store, stopped next to each other, chatting about who knows or cares what. Blocks all of us. Electric grocery cart drivers who do not look before backing up...ouch! (Can you tell I live in Florida with this one??)
Whiners...people who whine about small things. And don't tell me you are praying to God for every little thing. Leave his line open for people who truly need his attention. Study for your damn test. That guy with cancer needs his prayer to get through. And the next time you pray, you might say 'thanks!' Don't tell me what a Christian you are, live the life, walk the walk.
Oh, I am on a roll!
Oh, Abby, SER has a solution to your problem. SER, please share.
Oh, how cleansing this is!
I'm thinking we should do a weekly "whats bugging you this week".......It feels good getting out all the bitching on here at least now I feel like I've been heard! I think we can do it every Monday.Thats when we have the most to bitch about! I'm on it.....
SER Please share.
People that do not have the patiance or consideration to deal with those around them.
Huck, they have put cameras on the majority of our light controlled intersections here in my little town. People were screaming...how dare they send them a ticket in the mail...What the heck does that red light mean (no, SER, not that RED light)??
I personally do not jackrabbit start from an intersection. I have watched too many of these nuts come streaming through well after the light changes.
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