I have been told I should move to other countries more than once in my life, so it's kind of fun to turn the tables once in a while. In this case, smokers who complain about anti-smoking laws are the ones who should move to China, Hubei province in particular.
Why is this such a smokers paradise? The provincial government, in an effort to buck up its economy, has ordered its local officials to smoke more (including teachers) and even imposed quotas on how much they have to smoke! The bad news is you have to smoke the prescribed brand of cigarettes so you might not be happy if you can't get your usual Marlboros.
And, in a turnabout of the dreaded PC police in this country, they have established a special taskforce to enforce their new cigarette quotas. The bad influence state (as opposed to the nanny state) is on the rise!
Poets laureate excited for the opportunity
2 hours ago
Oh boy...was an upside down program this is! Kill the people.
Are you sure this wasn't posted in The Onion? Wow, very strange.
They should make them drink more, too. And encourage unsafe sex.
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