Whistle blower stuff. The Milw Journal/Sentinal? The Racine Post? I'd hate to stick my neck out and rely on a hack newspaper. I'd go with the home crew, but when your local paper is owned by a National conglomerate, is it really the home paper?
I am privy to something that will make blood boil when it becomes public, and I'm wondering which News won't screw the pooch in investigating and reporting. Freedom of Info act will need to be used to get the true dirty laundry.
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
My impulse is to say the Journal Sentinel. You can read there today about how the state has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to prostitutes who run daycare centers in Milwaukee and abuse and neglect the children. I'm sure the same stuff happens here, but the "local" rag is too busy pimping parties to care.
It'd be great to see the Racine Post get the story, but I guess that depends upon how much you trust Dustin and/or Pete.
Sounds like a NEW mission for Jack Bauer. (if his daughter saved his life?)
I would have to guess that a Milwaukee institution would be your best bet too. The Journal Sentinel does do some interesting and thorough investigative reporting.
You could also contact Channel 4, 6, or 12 if the news items you have is of major interest. I know John Mercure and Katrina Cravy do a lot of that type of reporting. Be careful, you will probably be revealed or get screwed no matter which venue you choose.
Yeah, Huck, that's to be considered, too. If you break the story, you will take the heat.
There are a number of things that I know about City Hall and one of our major employers, but I am not going to stick any of my body parts into that wringer. The pigs hire swine lawyers to destroy you. The truth is irrelevant.
I love secrets! Tell the story and only use initials. I have secrets too so tell me yours and I'll tell you mine.
Orb's: THAT'S an understatement "The truth is irrelevant"
What about the Racine Police sergeant who pulled a gun on his son's basketball coach at a pee wee game at the Taylor Home because he got mad at him for something.
Charges were sent over to the DA's Office, but nothing happened.
Witnesses galore, cops were called and poof, nothing done.
Sgt. got off with a few "suspension" days. WOW!!
This happened over 2 months ago and Dustin / Pete refused to report on it.
Anon 12:53, I've read your attempts to bring this up elsewhere. No one pays any attention. What we read, hear or see in the local media is all edited, all filtered for us, whether we like it or not.
I'm sure that there are plenty of untold stories in our little naked city. But it would take a tenacious muckraker to expose them all. He/she would be despised by the powerful - not exactly an enviable position.
I like the 'inside' stories Angel(the TSA agent in Utah) tells us. Now that is news. Also I hate it when I drive by and there are about 10-12 squad cars doing 'something' and nothing in the news about it. We need our Police Beat back again. Where they told all the runs in Racine regarding fire and police. Didn't mention detals tho.
Don't forget the public radio station. That is another option that does good work. There is also your independent weekly the Shepherd Express. I won't say they are the best since I don't know the details of this particular story and the nature of evidence you have and the resources a news organization would have to devote to coverage. Some stories are handled better by print media while others are a good fit for radio or television.
Think about how the story would best be told and, once you decide on a medium, then you can look at the available choices.
I'll look into it, give me a shout, fkd1015@yahoo.com
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