NOTE: I originally wrote and published this blog yesterday. It was up for a little while, received one unrelated comment, and then I deleted it. My reason for that was that I did not want to add to the "negativity" in our community.
Since then, a few considerations have changed my mind. First, I was contacted by two separate individuals on two separate matters of concern to the city that the powers-that-be (including our so-called "alternative" media) have chosen to suppress. (Listen, people in Racine are really, really, REALLY getting pissed off about the good old boys club. They're contacting me and sending evidence to me, and I'm not even a reporter. They are VERY frustrated by the city's and the media's refusal to address their concerns. Trust me, you don't want someone like me in charge of this stuff - I'm unstable and likely to post it at any time. Then how will you explain it to your constituents?)
Second, stu's blog on the Beckerphile's appearance at the Raiders game ( pushed me over the edge. The city fathers and the usual gang of cronies have decided that ex-mayor Becker is to be welcomed back into our town. His reintegration into our community continues whether we the people like it or not. This is being rammed down our throats (as will his acquittal/dismissal of charges and/or probation). I personally believe that a man with a penchant for sex with 14 year old girls should not be involved with the power brokers at City Hall. Why does he still have the ear of city officials?
So, I'm going to publish the diatribe below. I know that it won't change anything, but let it serve as a warning to the elitists: I WILL publish evidence of your shenanigans unless you clean up your act. I do not especially want to get involved in your dirty games, but we are sick and tired of the BULLSHIT you spread all over our city. It's the digital age and there are eyes and ears everywhere. Wise up, or move on.
Yesterday's blog:
The recent positive exposure given to former mayor Gary Becker has given me pause to think. Perhaps I have been too harsh in my assessment of pedophilia. After all, if the leader of an entire city thinks it’s OK to have sexual relations with a 14 year old, then perhaps it is?
I have been scouring the web in an effort to find positive articles in regard to pedophilia, and, to my surprise, there are quite a few. The following is published on the NARTH (National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality) website:
“Then in 1990, the Journal of Homosexuality produced a special double issue devoted to adult-child sex, which was entitled ‘Male Intergenerational Intimacy’ (1). One article said many pedophiles believe they are ‘born that way and cannot change’ (p. 133). Another writer said a man who counseled troubled teenage boys could achieve ‘miracles... not by preaching to them, but by sleeping with them.’ The loving pedophile can offer a ‘companionship, security and protection’ which neither peers nor parents can provide (p. l62). Parents should look upon the pedophile who loves their son ‘not as a rival or competitor, not as a thief of their property, but as a partner in the boy's upbringing, someone to be welcomed into their home...’ (p. 164).”
Gee, I sure wish my parents had known that when a family friend stole into our home and my bed some 45 years ago. Instead of threatening to kill the guy, my dad should have welcomed the “loving pedophile” as a “partner” in my upbringing. I really can’t blame my father, though, for he did not have access to the positive information that we have today. Thank God that we now recognize the positive influence of pedophilia in Racine.
An article entitled “In Defense of Pedophilia” also defends pornographic pictures of children: “Perhaps looking at such pictures can act as a ‘relief valve’, allowing pedophiles to flex their kinks without actually hurting any kids.”
A few years back, Judith Levine published a book entitled Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex. Ms. Levine believes that sex between children and adults can be a good thing. You can buy her book here:
There are other examples out there to cite, but you get the idea. As long as something is seen positively, it doesn’t matter what it is. The scales have finally fallen from my eyes. It is time to embrace the positive influence of crime and criminals in Racine.
Positively party on!
Fire crews battle large barn fire in Caledonia
9 hours ago
I do not understand how the media can turn its back on this.
I do not understand the logic of the glory story published by the alternative media.
I do not understand the cavalier thought process in associating with this man by people in 'position.' Wouldn't someone whose job depends on support from the public see that associating with a person who has committed social suicide to possibly be a calamitous thing?
They think we're sheep. "Let's hijack Racine and make it our 'Malibu of the Midwest.' If only we could do something about the people already living there..."
The people of Racine should know that their city government is still influenced by Becker. He was removed from office, but not from power.
Party on!
Just wanted to say I thought your post was very good, seriously. I always enjoy reading your blog but I rarely post anything.
I just wanted to say be very very careful if one of your sources is a certain former city employee. I'll refrain from mentioning his name publicly here, but he's got an axe to grind with a few people and he's been trying his hardest to get someone to listen to him because he's hellbent on revenge.
I agree with you that Becker is still in power, I've heard many things about that too and I know it's not just rumour. It is sad, really very sad how this can be going on.
Disgruntled (ex)employees are often the best source for the truth. That's how most whistles are blown. I know who one source is, I have no idea on the other, but evidence speaks for itself.
Thank you for the compliment on my blogging but I think it's pretty self-evident that I often let my emotions get the better of me. That's why I am better suited to blogging than reporting or investigating.
I don't know why these things keep upsetting me. I assume that those nuns did a very good job of pounding some moral sense into me before I realized what a sham it all is, how quickly a life means nothing when compared to money or power. But this, this is such a slap in the face to the people who believe that they really elect their leaders in Racine ...
Ahh, I'm going for a walk.
You, my friend, are the man!
I am the guy who sent you the pictures yesterday. I can absolutely guarantee you that I am NOT a former disgruntled city employee. Just an outraged homeowner, taxpayer, and father who is pissed off at Becker's presence in my neighborhood.
Evidently current alderpersons don't give a fucking shit about hanging around this pig.
To that, I say FUCK THIS CITY GOVT.!!!!!!!
I will take matters into my own hands (no pun intended) if I feel it necessary.
Thank you again Orbs. I appreciate you.
Thank you.
Orbs- what pictures? Share with us!
Orbs, Im not a disgruntled ex-city employee, just frigging digusted with the city and thanks for the feedback from yesterday
I know of an alderman and an alderwoman that are still spending time with Becker, for a fact.
Don't leave us in suspense, do tell!
Logic says to me how many alderwomen do we have ummmm?
Does anyone know if there is some sort of violation being committed if an alderperson(s) are still hangin' wit da ex-mayor??
There has to be some sort of violation.
Can someone please find out!!!
Does anyone know Dickert personally and could ask him??
Oh boy, this is going to get interesting real quick.
What possible violation could there be? If you made it against the law for politicians to hang out with criminals, they would never be able to talk to each other!
heck they couldn't even talk to themselves lol
I think it is rediculous that innocent citizens (the person who took the pictures ) or bloggers (the jtirregulars) have to put themselves at risk to expose this.
What is wrong with our government, our media and our police department? Are they really all that corrupt or immoral?
I doubt that it's a violation of anything other than ethics and decency for people currently in city government to associate with Becker. The fact that they are so blatant about it just shows how little they respect their constituents' opinion. Becker WILL be back in Racine politics - actually, he never left.
I strongly suggest that anyone with evidence of wrongdoing contact Daniel Bice ( or any of the other investigators at Watchdog Online/Public Investigator at the Journal Sentinel (/ They have been doing an extraordinary job lately in revealing the truth. The Journal Times is irrelevant and the Racine Post has an agenda that doesn't include telling the truth about those they favor.
This reporter is great and has consistent follow up and just doesn't do a "story" and lets it go he follows it thru till the end.
Bryan Polcyn 414-586-2777
Racine county is part of NAco this is some of their code of ethics, nothing listed for city of racine
The ethical county official should:
* Properly administer the affairs of the county.
* Promote decisions which only benefit the public interest.
* Actively promote public confidence in county government.
* Keep safe all funds and other properties of the county.
* Conduct and perform the duties of the office diligently and promptly dispose of the business of the county.
* Maintain a positive image to pass constant public scrutiny.
* Evaluate all decisions so that the best service or product is obtained at a minimal cost without sacrificing quality and fiscal responsibility.
* Inject the prestige of the office into everyday dealings with the public employees and associates.
* Maintain a respectful attitude toward employees, other public officials, colleagues and associates.
* Effectively and efficiently work with governmental agencies, political subdivisions and other organizations in order to further the interest of the county.
* Faithfully comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the county and impartially apply them to everyone.
The ethical county official should not:
* Engage in outside interests that are not compatible with the impartial and objective performance of his or her duties.
* Improperly influence or attempt to influence other officials to act in his or her own benefit.
* Accept anything of value from any source which is offered to influence his or her action as a public official.
While this doesn't relate directly to the city of racine, there are some key bullets that they should pay attention too
I do understand Becker has been charged but on convicted. Following are two paragraphs copied from the complaint. Reading just this, WHY is this man not in prison?
I myself realize people can make mistakes in their lives. BUT there is no way in hell you make it with a minor/alleged minor. Becker knowingly knew what he was doing.
I believe this is why many, many people are pissed that this piece of work is still on the street!
Agent Szatkowski states that Becker initially stated that he was no m reed’ however, Becker later admitted that he was Mr. Reed and admitted that his Yahoo: Screen name is WISC_GARY. Agent Szatkowski further states that he produced a copy of the online chat conversation between m reed and Hope_Ulikeme14 and Becker subsequently admitted that he was the m reed in the conversation and the chat log was his.
Agent Szatkowski further states that Becker admitted to engaging in the sexually charged on line conversation from his home located at 3020 Chatham Street, in the City of Racine. Becker initialed a copy of the 1/12/2009-1/13/2009 online chat with Hope_Ulikeme14, acknowledging its accuracy and his participation.
Source - Racine County District Attorneys Office pdf file.
You can read the complete Criminal Complaint at Becker Criminal Complaint. I also want to state, this is not for the faint at heart. There is vulgarity involved.
Anyone read the latest Haiku on the Racine Post?
No trial, but guilty!
Court of public opinion
Has ruled on Becker
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