Over and over this happens in Racine. Only the chosen ones are allowed to say what is "positive" or "good" for Racine. Only the chosen ones are allowed to say what is "art."
I think I can agree with the Journal Times policy concerning insensitive comments about someone's death. But I don't agree with preemptive censorship just because you don't like what others might have to say.
For the record, I made no comments in any of the articles about the proposed Hispanic Center, nor did I intend to. I have given up on much of this BS because it is more than obvious that only certain people in Racine are allowed to have certain opinions. It is "positive" for Racine to violate the first amendment. It is "positive" to ignore crime. It is "positive" to reward the few at the expense of many. It is "positive" to have pedophiles working in our neighborhoods.
"All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Fuck all you elitists and fuck your arrogance.
Party on!
Duluth Trading Co. CEO Sam Sato to retire
2 hours ago
Wow tell it like it is! I gotta respect you for that (heading out for a few days of r&r) but saw this and had to say you are absolutely correct...We use the first amendment freedom of speech, stand up against for what's right, and we get our asses kicked and accused of "bragging", and god only knows what else in the future (I'm beginning to think I rubbed some people the wrong way, I say good). But we speak the truth, guess if good ol' Racine was nice and quiet then we would be talking about something silly and happy all the time. You guys rock!
one last thing as I run for my door. I would allow commenting on deaths, I would get pissed off if someone started making threats against someone (would contact police), I had to take a phone number out of someones post (didn't want it all around racine) you can tell me I'm an idiot or whatever, I wouldn't care.. I was surprised that the post censored this. They are usually ok except for personal attacks. Dickert can open all the centers he wants, I just want the streets a little safer and government more accountable. Talk in a few days orbs!
would not allow commenting on deaths,, big oops sorry
Shame on the Racine Post
I am done reading their bullshit one sided articles.
I agree Orbs!
Let this city go to shit, I could care less in the future!
Here, here, orbs!
Maybe once you start to get a following and a few advertisers, all sense goes out the window? I'm still more than miffed over that Becker interview and the glory story that went with it.
I should be used to it by now. Generally I like the Racine Post and this is not an attack on them so much as it is venting over the hijacking of our city by a clique of snobs that has decided that they alone are the saviors of Racine - and many of them aren't even from here.
BECOME WHO YOU ARE! We are NOT a city of rubes sitting on a lake just waiting to be exploited by our arrogant masters. There are massive, complex problems here as a result of the post industrial meltdown and economic globalization. We have a large population that migrated here a generation or two ago for jobs that no longer exist. They and their children are COMPLETELY IGNORED by all the "positive" plans for Racine. This population festers and feeds on itself, then preys on others. Your goddamn parties and festivals don't do SHIT for these people. All the talk about money "pouring" into town because of parties. The money "pours" into the pockets of select individuals, not the city itself. How many jobs do these parties create? Just one mfg plant would provide more jobs than ALL of the "positive improvements" made to downtown. Whining hijacking carpetbagging self-serving interlopers out to create a personal fantasy land from the blood, sweat and tears of Racine's lifelong residents. Fuck you!
And while we can't even begin to address the problems of our own citizens, we're expected to embrace those who came here illegally and give them handouts. too. In return for which they refuse to learn our language and demand that our culture change to accommodate them.
Fuck you again!
orbs - your FU is very intelligent. If people would stop having babies like rabbits and babies would stop having babies, maybe you would not have to support the likes of these people. It is unfortunate that you cannot enjoy the good things that are going on rather than blast and negate the efforts.
Well said Orbs!!!
Just another rant instead of focusing on the way the city is being run. Orbs you are a idiot and have always acted like YOU are the elitist you self absorbed PRICK. That being said I do believe that you have the capabilities to resolve or research these problems that the political insiders are attempting to cover up. It is so easy to say Fuck You and show the shallow person that you are, or go deep and show the community that you really care.
The way the city is being run. We have a mayor who just handed out a position that pays 95K a year plus 60 sick days to someone who originally said they were retiring, our mayor won't address crime and some type of plan to address it, he'll let the police chief take the heat for everything and in the mean time he'll do what he wants when he wants and doesn't give a shit about this city. Orbs can bitch all he wants along with the rest of us normal people
pays 95K a year plus 60 sick days
Amazing, a part time job with full time pay!
Anonymous July 10, 2009 6:23 PM said... Just another rant instead of focusing on the way the city is being run.
I would love to have that job; can you see now why people “rant”?
It is just as bad we have to pay for all the fuck’in illegal aliens, but at the same time, we have people in the city of Racine going hungry! What is your mayor doing about that?
pays 95K a year plus 60 sick days
Amazing, a part time job with full time pay!
Anonymous July 10, 2009 6:23 PM said... Just another rant instead of focusing on the way the city is being run.
I would love to have that job; can you see now why people “rant”?
It is just as bad we have to pay for all the fuck’in illegal aliens, but at the same time, we have people in the city of Racine going hungry! What is your mayor doing about that?
Holy Shit...I stutter
"Orbs you are a idiot and have always acted like YOU are the elitist you self absorbed PRICK."
"That being said I do believe that you have the capabilities to resolve or research these problems that the political insiders are attempting to cover up."
Give me $95K and I'll resolve or research all sorts of problems for you.
That comment is an amazing microcosm of my life in Racine. People insult and degrade me, then expect me to solve their problems. Sorry, I'm getting tired of this left hand of God shtick. You stick your tit in the wringer first, then tell me why I should do the same. I had to go to hell and back to get nothing to lose. I'm not pissing that away on the machinations of parochial pigs.
Party on!
And THAT deserves another "here, here!"
Anon 6:23
Go fuck your mother up the ass you communist bastard!
Orbs is a good and decent man you hairy fuck hole!!
Oh my goodness!
I'm will to bet you a Pepsi, you have been called worst and by a better class of people
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