By the length of his beard and the grey legs, I figure he must be over 10 years old. He looks to be well over 8 feet at the top of the shoulder hump,and with his head up the height to the top of his antler must be about 12 feet .This guy is king of the forest, no bear or pack of wolves would dare come after him when he has this rack......Considering that a dirt road can fit 1 1/2 cars across ... this fellow is HUGE ...THIS IS ONE BIG BOY!
Yes it is a regular size dirt road.

I would be afraid to shoot this guy...might just make him mad!
Nice moosie, nice moosie.....
Hey Beejay! How'd you like to find something like that in your mailbox instead of a snake?
OMG Big moose!
This reminds me of a story. My family and I were camping out in Yellowstone some years ago when I was a teenager. I was out in woods collecting firewood until I heard a noise behind me. I turned around and was FACE to FACE with a moose! Scared the living hell out of me! Boy did I ever run for my life! Those things can get mean...
My only experiences with moose were with Bullwinkle.
I think I dated him once.
Seems as if this has hit the forums. Tons of hits from all over. Most think it is photo shopped. I guess they don't know how big we can grow 'em in the north woods.... hehehehe
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