I say yes. If I had money, I'd bet on it. Lame duck Judge Simanek will rule the search of the hard drive illegal and toss out all of the charges except those related to asking a city employee to fix a personal computer.
That is the way it must go down in order to save face and protect the guilty. And just like sex predators preach to their prey, we will be told that it is time to let it go, move on, get over it, etc. Deny the past and bury it. That is what pervs do and what Racine has done for generations. Then it explodes in rage and perversion of its own, and everyone stands around mouthing, "Why?"
Party on!
UDATE: Becker's motions to have charges dismissed because of an allegedly illegal search of his computer's hard drive were denied by Judge Simanek today. The judge also denied Becker's request for a jury from outside of Racine county.
Full story here: http://www.journaltimes.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/article_d8d114a0-933c-11de-a99a-001cc4c002e0.html
Eating crow here:

Denying the jury request could come back to haunt us. They should let him have an out-of-town jury, or, better yet, just change the venue, to protect against any charge of impropriety. Anyone who sees the evidence, and isn't on the take, would convict him.
I feel like I'm gonna puke. It better not happen. I might have to picket. Keep that stash of pitchforks ready, orbs!
It's what makes sense. Blame it all on a legal technicality and those dirty rotten lawyers. Everyone saves face and the Connected One gets a slap on the wrist. Otherwise, there would be the expense and upheaval of an embarrassing trial. If he was found innocent after that, there well could be a riot.
I'm still trying to find out what's going on with Milton E. Morris. I predicted a long time ago that he wouldn't serve a day in jail or prison, and so far I've been correct. It appears that the US District Court is just going to bury his case in legalese. They keep deferring his sentencing, saying that he is "cooperating."
First rule of Connected Club: don't talk about Connected Club.
Save a pitchfork for me too, kk. I think is bullshit! F*cking lawyers out there trying to find loopholes to free the guilty! I'm outraged!
Tough to know if any individual citizen or child has actually ever been harmed by the Connected One. No apparent proof of it at this point. The good news is his contact in this case was with a detective.
That is the best we can hope, and move on.
Im up for a protest if he walks.
"That is the best we can hope, and move on."
That is far from "the best" that I can hope. Far, far from it.
Ignoring evil ensures that it will flourish.
The apologists will move on - I know some people who will linger, though, because they are truly "compelled to justice."
No proof anyone was harmed...
You must be speaking cynically? Do you seriously think that this obsession with fondling prepubescent breasts and his giddy excitement about meeting and having sex with this young girl magically developed at that moment online while speaking to this detective?
Keep in mind, this thought process continued to be a viable option to him all the while he drove the distance to the mall to meet her. Do you honestly believe this was his first offense?
kk, the drones are already aloft. Like I said, this will be the official stance: whew, glad that's over, let's move on, get over it, nothing to see here, etc., etc. Sweep it under the rug. City Hall/J-Wax/DRC/RAMAC (aka Downtown Mafia) have too much invested in image to lose it all to reality now, especially if it isn't their child being molested.
Orbs//KK, I hope becker goes to jail,I hope he finds a real nice guy to keep him company while in jail, they should castrate him before they let him loose. But to blame any of the outcome on "City Hall/J-Wax/DRC/RAMAC" (aka Downtown Mafia) is completely wrong.
Orbs...sorry it’s not the “Connected Club” it’s the “White Mans Club”! Bastards!
I am hoping the Chief of Police is correct. He claims that all their ducks are in a row about the hard drive and information they collected is legal and it will not be thrown out.
With or without the drive Becker ADMITTED he done it and signed a paper so stating. He originally lied, but then came around when the law proved to him they had the “goods” on him.
Not sure how many of you have read the complaint filed by the District Attorneys’ office, but I sincerely hope the complaint is allowed to be read into the court records and to the jury. After reading such...I have no idea why they would find anything but a guilty verdict, put him in prison and give him to Bubba.
I hope I have to eat crow on Thursday.
I think he walks too. There far to much hell if the truth comes out.
The art project alone hides lots of no bid contracts and IMHO an affair between Becker and a county employee
with the city paying for it
I heard about the "other woman" occasionally from City Hall employees. What a piece of work this guy is. And all his buddies are still running the show. They're like gangbangers - thugs in a group, cowards on their own.
D-Day (Dismissal Day) for Becker. Too bad the Tango Bar isn't already open for the post court celebration. May Racine continue to enjoy the most corrupt court system in the state of Wisconsin, the envy of shysters from Milwaukee to Madison.
The next time an official crony decides to urinate on us, we better say, "Thank you sir! May I have another?"
Party on!
I am surprise, with all the media attention when Becker was originally arrested the only one who has anything about today is the Racine Journal Times and they have had something posted for a few days now.
Kenosha News, TMJ 4 News, Fox 6 News, nothing. I would have thought TMJ 4 and Fox 6 would be on it like “white on rice”. Makes me wonder if the media has been asked to back off until after the motion hearing today!
UPDATE: 12:21PM...Just heard on the police scanner there are so many people down there, the police are stopping them from going into the court house!
Sorry... I'm thrilled. I would much rather you eat crow than have things go the way you originally thought. There should be no leniency granted.
I did read the JT story you linked to. What poor writing skills! It was so disjointed that I had to go back and reread parts of it a couple times to get the drift.
Judge Stephen Simanek, I'll pat ya on the back!
I agree with your decision to split the charges.
Misconduct in office has nothing to do with child enticement and child pornography.
Hang in the Bubba, you may have a new friend yet!
The phrase "computerized communication system" is not unconstitutionally vague, as the defense argued. The wording is found in the child enticement statute. "The Legislature has adopted a statute, in my perception a clear statute, prohibiting people from using computers to solicit sexual activity from minors," he said. "You don't have to be Einstein to figure out what that means. You can't go online and solicit underage people for sexual activity." .
I like that.
I am surprised they are getting a jury from Racine, though.
DA, have you ever read a court decision that hinges on the meaning of a word? They can be dense and confusing.
One of the most famous is the 1893 case of Nix Vs Hedden in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a tomato is a vegetable and not a fruit (might seem silly but fruits and vegetables had different tariffs on them so there was big money involved).
The Racine Post story quotes the judge and Cafferty discussing bloggers and their possible effect on a local jury pool:
They are laying the groundwork for an appeal.
I thought all of us bloggers were pretty good at getting to the gist of things. But when I mention my comments to people I work with and others, they don't seem to know what I'm talking about...commenting that is. I guess there aren't that many out there. What do you think?
"There is little doubt the print media is in decline, and people are looking for other ways of communicating," there's no way of telling how many bloggers are making the comments and what impact they have on the overall community. (quote from Simanek taken from racinepost)
Except for the anonymous posters, we all attach a name and a human count to our posts. It seems to me by the stats, at least the JTI pushes each day, that many, many people are reading. It also appears that some "influential" people, judges, attorneys and district attorneys are reading too.
Repischak said, "there is no way to tell if they are local." Hello, come to one of our get togethers. We are more local than the print media.
No, don't come to one of our get-togethers because you are way too regular.
No one reads this stuff but us and and a few nobodies from nowhere.
Yes, I agree that they are laying the groundwork for an appeal. They are going to fight this tooth and nail. It will drag on forever. They will appeal, and appeal the appeals. Eventually, Becker will end up like Ricky McMorris.
From the aforementioned Racine Post story:
"Cafferty had argued that 'Mr. Becker is a pariah,' noting that 99.9% of bloggers' entries 'are ugly, ugly thoughts,' making it 'impossible to get a fair jury.'"
W00t! I am blogger, hear me roar! Personally, I do wonder if an impartial jury can be selected in Racine. Who hasn't heard about this and have an opinion on it? It's hardly just bloggers.
"Ugly, ugly thoughts." Come on, sometimes we say nice things, too. I ♥ kitty cats.
Finally, I didn't realize that Becker sought only the elimination of viruses and adware on his computer. You generally don't have to look at personal files to do that, do you? I'm NOT a computer professional, but I have cleaned up some friends' hard drives. I just ran scans. Unless a file detected as a problem had a name like "naked_underage_girl/boy," would there be a valid reason to be poking around in there?
I'll bet wiedner is really sad about this.
I was being facietious. I don't want them there either. (patoo)What a bunch of crap spewed by both sides. The guy admitted he is guilty. End of story in my book.
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