Sturtevant Porchlight Project
According to the US Justice Department, one of the easiest ways to help reduce the chance that your house is burglarized is to have a lit porchlight, Criminals don’t like to be seen committing their crime and will move on if your porches are lit, and those of your neighbors.
In order to assist residents in “lighting up” their neighborhoods, the Sturtevant Porchlight Project and the Sturtevant Police Department have partnered with We Energies. They generously donated 1200 compact florescent light bulbs to the Sturtevant Porchlight Project. The light bulbs will be available to village residents at the Village Rummage Sale on September 19, 2009 at North Park. Each household that signs a pledge to use the bulbs for their porch lights can receive two bulbs.
In addition, the Sturtevant Police Department will have an officer present to answer any questions residents may have about Neighborhood Watch.
Would love to see you guys there. This has been my little project for a few weeks now, and I cant wait to get 1200 lightbulbs out of my garage. Stay safe tonight, turn on your light!
Is this available to all residents, including Racine residents? Where is North Park located?
Irregulars are always included! North Park is between 94th and 95th street off of either Michigan or Corliss. Take Durand to 94th and turn left for one block.
It is meant for villagers, but who am I to stop someone from outside the village.
Seriously, this is THE BEST USE for CFLs! Put them in the porch/door fixture with/on a photocell and leave the switch on all the time. Front door, back/side door and overhead garage door - 13 watts each for a total of 39 watts, might as well be free!
Trust me, 13 watts will not blind you or your neighbor and if you use a warm color bulb it is a nice, soft light. It also works well as a general night-light for those middle of the night stumbles to the, umm, "library"....
Stu, you are letting us down in not living up to the "cold heart of a conservative", how dare you!!!!
Conservatives like safe neighborhoods too!
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